Helping my kids remain open to positive change and willing to embrace it, even after they’ve been hurt
It’s been an incredibly emotional evening, especially for the kids. I had to make a difficult decision tonight, but it was the right one. I’m completely physically, and emotionally exhausted now. The kids are very upset but I’m working to help them remain open to positive change, and embrace it, even after they’ve been hurt.
The boys are doing okay at this point. Emmett’s currently in his own bed, which is amazing, and with any luck, he will remain there. Gavin’s already asleep and Elliott won’t be too far behind. As I was writing this, Emmett popped his head in to inform me that he wants to do in-person learning again in the morning, which is awesome. Although, I just remembered that his clothes are still in the washer. I’ll have to run to the basement and switch them over before going to sleep.
I’m really pushing myself to write this because I honestly didn’t want to. Having said that, I feel like it’s important to keep challenging myself to do better and writing helps me do better.
There’s this weird sense of peace that’s fallen over me as I’m laying here. I don’t feel good about any of the decisions I had to make, but I know I’m doing the right thing, and there’s peace to be found there. I don’t know if that makes sense.
I will say that I’m very much looking forward to therapy this week. I need to unload a bit and get some guidance in regards to moving forward.
Outside of that, it’s going to be a typical workday. I’m halfway done with Friday’s podcast release and that’s good. It means I won’t have to feel rushed as the week moves towards Friday. I also have groceries coming around lunch time and that’s always fun.
All in all, I’m doing good. I feel like my feet are firmly planted on the ground and I have a good sense of where we need to be heading as a family. This doesn’t mean that anything is going to be easy but life isn’t meant to be easy.
I’ll close this off with a gentle reminder that it’s important to leave some doors to the past open as you move forward. People can change and do better. It’s important that we remain open to positive change. It’s equally important that we be willing to embrace that positive change as well.
Never say never.
That’s it for tonight. I’m done and off to bed.
Quick Update: I actually fell asleep before publishing this last night. Better late than never, right? lol