Autisable Team

What is the Status of Your Submitted Post?

Over the past few weeks we’ve been receiving a lot of submissions… and a lot of questions regarding the status of those submissions. This post is to address our process and to help inform our members as to the ongoing status of their submitted posts.

For those that don’t know, submitted posts to our editors are ones that will be publicly displayed and shared in front of the membership wall. These are the articles you see on the site on a regular basis, and ones that are shared through our social media accounts.

Status updates and the social side of Autisable remains behind the membership wall for only members to see. Whereas submitted posts are like this one, where you can read it and share it with the world.

If you submitted an article to our editors, you can log into your account and go to this URL. This feature will soon be integrated as part of your member’s account profile. (URL: must be logged in to view the status associated with your Autisable account)

When someone submits their post to our editors, it goes through several steps, this is the basic outline of those steps:

  1. Pending Review – all articles submitted to our editors begin with this step. This is a review to see if the article is a good fit for our community. So anything associated with special needs, autism and similar will most likely be approved.
  2. In Progress – after articles are approved for the site, they are then sent to our editors.
    1. Such things as grammar and spelling are checked
    2. Article checked if duplicate content or original
    3. Article optimized for SEO and social media sharing
    4. Featured image reviewed
  3. Ready for Scheduling – once the editorial step has been made, then it’s ready to be scheduled on the site. This is the last stop for final checks before any post is scheduled.
  4. Scheduled – just as it says, it is slated to go live.
  5. Published (LIVE) – your article is live on the site and is shareable on social.

This is the type of information that will be displayed on the dashboard page (this image shows information from my personal account):

Beyond integrating this information as part of your Autisable profile, we will also share some of our best tips and suggestions to help you with your blogging, as well as options for syndication for those who blog about autism/special needs… including non-profits.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to us via our contact us form.

Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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