Digital Marketing for Non-Profits: Lack of Time
As I shared in our introduction post, one of the bullet points discussed is the lack of time to accomplish all that needs to be done.
The reality is that when you’re running your non-profit or business, your focus is towards answering emails, taking phone calls, and above all providing a service to the families and individuals you have dedicated your life to. Addressing marketing needs tends to take a back seat, as there are only so many hours in a day you can devote to marketing your efforts.
Saying that you don’t have time just means that you need help in managing the time that you do have. This just means you may need a bit of an assist in getting organized to help make things a bit more manageable.
When someone brings up the topic of digital marketing, it sounds like it’s another added task that takes a lot of work and effort. The reality we’ve found is that if an organization has their marketing efforts organized and in alignment with their purpose, it actually can help manage their time and help them be more efficient in communicating their efforts.
This short series of blog posts serve to help you make sure you’re covering the absolute basics of having a digital architecture so you can manage your time more effectively.
Having the ability to dedicate consistent effort in updating a website or multiple social media outlets on a regular basis is very manageable when you have the basics set-up and organized.
The goal through this series is to establish a way to easily create and distribute information. In short, we have to make sure your organization has the basic digital architecture to support your efforts easily and efficiently.
By digital architecture, I mean the tools in place and the basic knowledge in maximizing those tools to create content and easily distribute it.
The following is a simple step by step guide to ensure your nonprofit, blog or business has a good basic structure for digital marketing. Having the foundational structure in how your organization communicates regularly not only helps you manage your time better, it also convey’s to your donor’s, members and customers that your organization has planned things out efficiently and effectively.
When you’re ready, just click the button to get started.