Personal Stories and Experiences

LivingRoyal Color-In Crayola Socks for Kids with Autism

Many studies have shown that coloring is a relaxing pastime and it is recommended for people of all ages. We have used coloring pages and books for many years as a way to enhance hand-eye coordination for our son with autism.So when I discovered the color in socks by LivingRoyal, I was thrilled. What can be better than providing my son with an OT activity AND providing him with an incentive to wear socks he designed?



LivingRoyal color in Crayola socks kit

Sensory challenges and socks

For many kids on the autism spectrum that have sensory difficulties wearing socks is a hot-button topic. Our son refused to wear any socks for years!
When he finally started wearing them, he was still quite picky about the smallest of details. From the inside stitches to length and elastic width; everything needed to feel just right. So, needless to say, it has been an ongoing battle to convince him to wear socks.

That is until I discovered the LivingRoyal brand.This company has the zaniest most whimsical socks you can imagine.And they are soft too. From mermaids to food like bacon and gummy bears they make colorful socks that kids and adults love. However, the ones our son loves the most are the LivingRoyal Color-In Crayola Socks.

About the LivingRoyal Color-In Crayola Socks 

The company, LivingRoyal teamed up with Crayola and created socks that kids or adults can color on their own. In fact, each pair of LivingRoyal Color-In socks comes with four markers. Furthermore, each pair of socks comes on an individual piece of cardboard to prevent the markers from bleeding on to the bottom of the socks.
LivingRoyal color in Crayola socks coloring


Our experience

Overall, my son loves his Living Royal Color-In Socks. They kept him busy for a few hours, and now he has  ‘masterpieces’ to wear all over town!

At first, we noticed that some of the markers would bleed past the black lines in the designs. To prevent that from happening, I suggested that he color away from the black line. That solved the issue of preventing the markers from streaking and the colors from mixing. In addition, he found the piece of cardboard supplied to be very useful, as it stopped bleeding but also gave each sock a sturdy handle to hold on to while coloring.

Each pack came with the same four basic colors, blue, red, green and orange. Our son was a bit disappointed that his favorite color yellow wasn’t included. However, he was thrilled to learn that by mixing two or more basic colors he could, in fact, create new exciting colors.

Patience isn’t our son’s forte, so he wanted to wear them as soon as he was done. As you might guess, the color in the socks did bleed onto his skin. It wasn’t a big deal since it did come off in the shower.In fact, he thought it was kind of “cool.”


LivingRoyal color in Crayola socks in the lines

Do the colors stay on?

Much to my own surprise, I was able to wash the socks like the directions said three times in warm water, and the colors remained intact. I even soaked a pair in white distilled vinegar and had no issues either.

My takeaway

Would I recommend the LivingRoyal Color-In Crayola Socks?  The answer to that is yes. I will stock up on some to take on our next trip to occupy our son in the airport or a long haul flight.

I would also buy some of their socks. In fact, I am eyeballing some bacon or mermaid print socks as I am writing this post. What better way to start a conversation than having socks that are the perfect icebreaker?

LivingRoyal Color-In Crayola Socks PIN

Where to buy

If you are interested in purchasing the LivingRoyal Color-In Crayola Socks, head over to LivingRoyal and check out their selection. They offer many patterns from cats, pups to under the sea, dinosaurs and space designs.  At ten dollars a pair these socks make for an excellent stocking stuffer as well as a great activity for kids’ birthday parties.

LivingRoyal provided us with the color in socks for the review. As usual, all opinions are my own and cannot be influenced in any way.





Margalit Sturm Francus

Margalit Sturm Francus

A reformed dentist who gave up pulling teeth to show her son the world! Need tips on how to #travel with #autism? Follow me on Instagram & Facebook. Migrated all content from to

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