
7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando


For many die hard Harry Potter fans sampling Butterbeer is a must when visiting Universal Studios Orlando. What most don’t realize is that there are seven ways to drink and even eat butterbeer while visiting the parks.
7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando cup


Kids and adults the world over still love the Harry Potter series, a story of witchcraft, wizardry, and most of all, magical sweets. Butterbeer is one of the staples of the Harry Potter franchise, a favorite beverage of the characters in the series. Ever since its first mention, fans everywhere have tried to bring this delicious sounding drink to the world, and now there are seven ways to enjoy butterbeer at Universal Studio Orlando’s Harry Potter World!


7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando park

What is butterbeer?

Butterbeer is a sweet, creamy drink with intermingling buttery caramel and butterscotch flavors. The real secret to the drink is the delicious froth on top, added as a final dreamy touch. The primary liquid is reminiscent of cream soda. It is available in several forms at Universal Studio Orlando, and patrons can also get it in a unique take-home mug!

7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando train

The  choices


The standard Butterbeer drinks are available in frozen, cold, and hot. Many visitors love the frozen beverage, primarily to combat a hot Orlando day.
The regular one is the easiest to find, served at several stalls throughout the park as well as in the restaurants. Finally, the warm one is delightful to have at the end of the day, sitting in the calm atmosphere of the typically near empty Three Broomsticks restaurant.

7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando beer


Adults who go to the Hog’s Head can request a shot of alcohol to add to their Butterbeer! We suggest either the park’s own Wizard’s Brew or Jameson for the best taste.

7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando restaurant

 Soft Serve

Who doesn’t love ice cream? At Wizarding World in Orlando, visitors can get Butterbeer in soft serve form by visiting Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour! This delightful dessert is swirled with butterscotch and toffee in a vanilla base. Florean’s serves many other fantastic ice cream flavors for anyone who has gotten their Butterbeer fix for the day but still has a craving for sweets.
7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando soft


The Butterbeer float is a talked about Do -it- yourself creation.
This float is easiest to make by visiting the Fountain of Fair Fortune. The fountain is also a great place to get the Butterbeer ice cream if the line at Florean’s is too long. Visitors can use anything from frozen, regular, or even hot Butterbeer for their float creation, though the regular version will most resemble an actual float. It is best for anyone attempting to make this creation to drink a fourth of their drink before putting about two or three spoonfuls of the ice cream into the cup.
7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando ice cream


This creation is incredibly sugary, and it is near impossible for one person to finish. Adults can enjoy making a Butterbeer float using real beer! We recommend the dark and sweet Wizard’s, Brew Stout.

7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando pin

Potted Cream

A popular dessert option for kids, this combines the buttery taste of Butterbeer with the famous British sweet food Clotted Cream. The food is a pudding served in a jar with the delicious butterscotch flavor. The texture is divine, silky and smooth. This dessert is one of the first Butterbeer desserts that visitors can get at the Leaky Cauldron, one of the Wizarding World’s dining locations.

7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando fudeg


Even the fudge lovers can get on the Butterbeer train!
Visitors can find the specialty Fudge at Honeydukes in the recently added Hogsmeade section. This delicious candy is another mixture of caramel and butterscotch. This fudge is possibly the most sugary item on this list!

7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando brown

Butterbeer fudge is a favorite food item, and it often isn’t labeled, so guests will have to ask the Honeydukes staff if they have it specifically.

7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando starbucks

Starbucks Frappuccino Butterbeer

For those who want their Butterbeer fix even once they’ve left Harry Potter World, there is a recipe to make your own version at Starbucks!

Most Starbucks employees will not know how to fulfill a direct request for butterbeer as it is not on any official menu, secret or otherwise. The best way to get Butterbeer from Starbucks, whether that Starbucks is in Universal or anywhere else, is to give the barista a particular recipe.

Ask for a creme frappuccino with a whole milk base. For a medium size, request three pumps of caramel syrup and three pumps of toffee nut syrup. Top this with whipped cream and a caramel drizzle.

7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando barrles

Patrons can also get a hot version!
This version requires asking for a whole milk steamer with the same three pumps of caramel syrup and toffee nut syrup. For that extra taste, visitors can also add three pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup, though we think this makes it just a little too overpowering. Finally, top the whole thing with whipped cream and caramel syrup (or salted caramel bits if they are available!).
Those who want to add that extra kick to their drink can also get it with a shot of espresso. And of course, it’s best to adjust the pump amounts by one per size.

7 Ways to Enjoy Butterbeer at Universal Studios Orlando food

Autism Travel Tips:

  • We do not recommend the Potted Cream or the Starbucks Frappuccino for those who are lactose intolerant. Both of these Butterbeer options do use cream.
  • Butterbeer in any form is incredibly sugary. Anyone who would have any issue with high sugar content should probably avoid this dessert.

Have you tried Butterbeer at Universal Orlando or Hollywood?How did you or your family like it?

Margalit Sturm Francus

Margalit Sturm Francus

A reformed dentist who gave up pulling teeth to show her son the world! Need tips on how to #travel with #autism? Follow me on Instagram & Facebook. Migrated all content from to

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