
Top Five Activities When Taking Kids With Autism To Monaco

Top Five Activities When Taking Kids With Autism To Monaco pin
One of the world’s smallest countries, Monaco sits tucked away along the Mediterranean Sea along the southern coast of France. There is certain romanticism towards this country; with its famous casino, palace, and cathedral it is a decadent getaway for any couple. Families will surely wonder if Monaco offers things to do with children. Here are our top choices for in Monaco for families.

Tour Train

One of the child-friendly attractions is the tour train that Monaco provides. The train’s journey begins and ends across from the Oceanographic Museum; a thirty-minute tour that will enlighten travelers to Monaco’s seven hundred years of history. One will see Monaco’s highlight sites such as the Place d’Armes, Port Herrcule, Monte-Carlo and Casino Square, Old Town with Ministry of State, and the Royal Palace alongside St. Nicholas Church. The train is in operation every day from February to mid-November.

Top Five Activities When Taking Kids With Autism To Monaco building

Autism Travel Tips:

  • The train is a relaxing way to sit and see Monaco with your kid, especially if they don’t like to walk long distances or are temperature sensitive. The main attractions in Monaco are situated up on a hill, which is quite a climb for many. Families will also enjoy the shade the inside of the train provides.

Oceanographic Museum

After finishing the train ride, families can proceed across the street to the Oceanographic Museum. The museum, home to the Mediterranean Science Commission, rests on the cliffside overlooking the ocean. Children will love the variety of sea animals and flora displayed such as starfish, turtles, jellyfish, lobsters, rays, sharks and eels. The assortment of sea related objects the museum contains is also fascinating, from model ships and sea animal skeletons to a collection of culture and ritual objects created from mollusks, pearls, and nacre.Top Five Activities When Taking Kids With Autism To Monaco brown

Autism Travel Tips:

  • The museum gets crowded in the summer, especially by midday. If families want to see the displays in peace and quiet, they should arrive when the museum first opens.

Royal Palace of Monaco

Family members who have had their fill of ocean-related topics can view the magnificent Royal Palace of Monaco. For those interested in both history and architecture, the palace is a mosaic of architectural designs! Originally built in 1191, it became the home of the Grimaldi family after they had captured it in 1297. With a constant flux of politics to consider and, frankly, some common sense, the Grimaldi family worked on fortifying the palace. Unlike most monarch families, the Grimaldis only had one palace in which they resided, so they kept redesigning already existing rooms.

Top Five Activities When Taking Kids With Autism To Monaco boat

Autism Travel Tips:

  • The palace has restricted hours because the royal family actually lives in it. Make sure to verify in advance what times it is actually open to avoid disappointment or getting stuck in lines.

St. Nicholas Cathedral

Upon leaving the Palace, travelers can stroll along to St. Nicholas Cathedral, a mere five minute walk away from the Palace. The royal family tends to hold wedding ceremonies in the Cathedral, and it is the final resting place for the majority of the Grimaldi family. Most Americans know the Cathedral as actress Grace Kelly’s resting place. Grace Kelly married into the Grimaldi family in 1956 and was buried in the Cathedral after her car accident in 1983; her husband joined her in 2005.

Top Five Activities When Taking Kids With Autism To Monaco statue

Autism Travel Tips:

  • Families who decide to visit Grace Kelly’s grave should be prepared to sit with everyone else in line. There are no shortcuts, and kids need to be quiet as this is a religious place.
  • Parents should make sure that everyone wears appropriate, nonrevealing clothing.

Chocolaterie de Monaco

To end the day, families can travel back down to the Ocean Museum where, after a bit of searching, they will find the Chocolaterie de Monaco. The Chocolaterie de Monaco has been the kingdom’s official chocolate maker since 1920 and continues to create delicate confections that will melt any chocolate lover’s heart. Friendly staff awaits customers with decadent free samples and a cozy atmosphere that continues into the attached café. The Chocolaterie is known for its lovely infused chocolates, with flavors of lavender, orange, and pistachio. For newbies, we highly recommend the allissons d’Aix, a treat made from almond paste and a thin layer of icing.

Autism Travel Tips:

  • Mention this place to the kids so they have something to look forward to at the end of the day.

Monaco is a country that seems to encompass a different world than the rest of Europe. It may be known as a country that caters mainly to couples, but there are many great opportunities for families to explore. From history and science to entertainment there are dozens of kid-friendly events this destination has to offer.

Top Five Activities When Taking Kids With Autism To Monaco tree


Margalit Sturm Francus

Margalit Sturm Francus

A reformed dentist who gave up pulling teeth to show her son the world! Need tips on how to #travel with #autism? Follow me on Instagram & Facebook. Migrated all content from to

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