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Autism and Vaccinations – My thoughts Part 2

Ok, I am going to grumble here as I read something I didn’t like….. I guess you could say that I am rather frustrated. The article was published by the AMA which they are rejecting calls for more research on autism and vaccination.

What my feelings as they so called threw it in the face of us parents as well as other caregivers and so forth… is that the supreme court ruled against it three times saying the vaccinations and autism are not linked.

OK so they say but yet there was a case where a family had won against it.

I am sorry but I can’t get the thought out of my head when I find everything so coincidental as to how the events unfolded. I just find it really weird that my son has all the symptoms within 2 two weeks of the immunizations. I know this is such a heated topic but I do have to stop and question it sometimes. I think they are just tossing it out the window as some cover up because their funding probably comes through these pharmaceutical companies.

Yeah, I guess you can tell I am irritated…. LOL

Again I am not putting blame or starting debate these are just my feelings. I can’t help but wonder as it’s too coincidental.

If you would like to read this article CLICK HERE

Where do you stand on the issue of Autism and Vaccinations?

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0 thoughts on “Autism and Vaccinations – My thoughts Part 2

  • @Joysofmotherhood@xanga – just because a child is vaccinated does not mean it prevents the disease. it helps build antibodies to the disease does not prevent all illnesses. we each have a different immune system i have had my vaccinations and when i had my titers drawn which test your immunity to a disease not all i was vaccinated against where positive, so i had to have a booster shot. and what about the young child who has not had all of their vaccinations yet, your child could still pass on the disease. please research and understand both sides before you think you know it all. and i have a child with autism. and i have spent years learnign about it as a parent and a nurse. 

  • @Joysofmotherhood@xanga – I understand your frustration on having a child with autism. I have one too. However, she was never vaccinated by her birth mother and when we got her at age of four, ( she is my husbands little sister and we are raising her) we noticed she was not talking right and was just a little ”weird” well come to find out she has aspergers syndrome which is a form of autism. so as i noted above she was NEVER vaccinated and still she is autistic. also i am a Peds nurse and i work with children every day and i can tell you i see children who were and were not vaccinated that have autism. also Parents give autistic children the Flu vaccination but no other ones. and wouldn’t you guess it the only vaccination that has ”mercury” which is said to cause autism that is given in our clinic is the FLU VACCINATION. I am a firm believer that vaccinations are not the cause. also the reason there is so many children diagnosed with autism today is because 20 years ago autism was not recognized by most doctors. they would label autistic children as ”retarded”, quirky, eccentric, or ADHD. as research has grown so has the recognition of autism. Autism ranges from mild to severe. they fall in the pervasive developmental disorder spectrum. please research further than what you believe and you will find the reasons for alot of the increase in number of children who now have autism. also i have a friend who has two out of her three kids with autism. one was vaccinated as an infant the other never vaccinated. so how does that happen? how is it children who where never vaccinated develop autism?

  • I am a Pediatric nurse on a military base, so i see children from all over the country and I have seen many children with autism, also i have a five year old little girl with autism. I started my nursing career working with autistic children. I started working for the department of developmental disabilities. I worked with children every day who have autism. and surprise there was not link in my eyes to vaccinations. Most of the children i worked with did not get vaccinated. In one family their oldest had autism and when they had their second child decided not to vaccinate. then they did the same with their third child. Their third child developed autism and never was vaccinated ever. As i worked more with this family and learned about their family i learned there was a long history of developmental delays. Through out most of my research i have learned that back in the 50’s and 60’s children who are autistic today would have been labeled ”retarded” and placed in a group home. it wasn’t until the 90’s that most doctors even recognized autism as a disorder, most children where labeled as delayed, ADHD, or mental retarded. As anyone who knows and has taken the time to learn about autism you would know that there are many ranges in this disorder. It is called the autism spectrum and pervasive developmental disorder. not all children with autism are those that we see in movies and the news that are locked in their own world. I am so tired of hearing mother say i wont vaccinate because it will make my child autistic. well i hate to tell them but it is a sensory issue and there are many factors and many different types. autism is diagnosed more because more doctors are learning about it and seeing it as a disorder. the children with autism are no longer labeled retarded, weird, eccentric, or hyper. Please vaccinate your child to protect them from diseases. Here is a question for you, how many people with autistic children still give them the flu shot but no other shots? i ask this because the only vaccination that we give children in our clinic that uses ”mercury”  is the Flu shot……why would you give them that to protect them and not any others?

  • There is no link between vaccines and autism, and parents who decide not to vaccinate at all are completely irresponsible. 

    If your child has autism, he/she has always had it, and eventually symptoms will show regardless of environmental factors.

  • I think the problem is there is the old “autism” gentics, and the new ” autism” and they have no yet be seperated. I have an autistic son. He was vacinated and it made the symptoms come with in a month.  He just lost everything. I lost him for a long time, BUT I stopped everything and took the biomedical approch and in 3 months have a son that is getting better!!! This is the problem. Not just why are so many kids getting it, but why are us parents healing them if it is only genetic?

  • Just for the record, to those of you who seem to think the flu is “nothing to worry about” – According to WHO approximately 36,000 deaths and more than 200,000 hospitalizations are directly associated with influenza EVERY YEAR in the United States.  And that’s just in America, not worldwide.

    Do you have any idea what would happen if everyone stopped getting vaccinations?  Research history, entire populations wiped out from small pox and measles.  Meningitis outbreaks.  Oh yeah, and you can die quite easily from chicken pox as well – my brother was 10 when he got Chicken Pox and he was severely ill. 

    And just because you didn’t find anyone in your family with autism doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.  I have Juvenile Diabetes, also a genetic disease, but we found no one in our family with it that we know of.  Like someone else said though, those things were not talked about in the past. 

  • Anonymous

    @DirtyAndShaken@xanga – Hah, swine flu, mad cow disease, west niles virus, the list goes on.  The government owns the media, they tell the media what to do and say.  The links are clear and the logic is obvious.

  • @Joysofmotherhood@xanga – I understand your passion, my son was diagnosed with autism really early, we had him reassessed recently and he was born with autism…when he was about 16 months he started saying a few words – no different than any other typical toddler of that age but developmentally the milestones vary for all children.  It is a coincidence that the classic signs and symptoms start to show and if this is your first child there is no frame of reference with what to expect.  My son is my third child and my husbands first…the signs were there so early on it isn’t even funny and all in hindsight as well…I have 4 children…all of them vaccinated and only one with autism.  The other three were all relatively similar as infants, my youngest who is nearly 2 – has had all of her shots on time – she is normal and she is similar in development to her bigger brother and sister…my husband noticed the difference right off the bat when she was born with regards to her eating and sleeping habits.  Every parent has a different experience – no two children with autism are the same – that is why it is a spectrum disorder.  We are also diagnosing this better than ever before.  My brother has autism, my husband had a great uncle with suspected aspergers/autism.  It is genetic.  Putting your other child at risk because the media and celebrities are making claims that this is true about vaccines (when they have no medical background whatsoeveer) – listen to the medical professionals.  It is a coincidence and as far as the genetics – a long time ago people didn’t talk about family members that were “different”, they were often institutionalized and the rest of the family was told that the child died of complications of whatever…I know personally of about a dozen families that have encountered such a thing – there is no paperwork showing that the diagnosis was autism but the stories match those of the “classic” symptoms of autism – which was happening long before vaccines became common place.  If you think about the things that HAVE changed in the last even 14 years – the launch of the world wide web, wireless everything, cellphones, bluetooth, satelite everything…the stuff that is floating around the “air” – the stuff we can’t see or hear…maybe that is the trigger – vaccines have been around for about 30 years, the rise of autism has happened in the last 10.  That is the short end of my sort of evidenciary stance on the subject…vaccines DO NOT cause autism. 

  • I have no idea if the two are linked, but my concerns with vaccinations lie beyond just autism.   I’ve done a lot of reading and research on my own and it’s a decision every parent has to make for themselves.  There are many other risks with vaccines besides just autism.  My nephew on my husband’s side had a bad reaction to the MMR – his heart stopped right there in the doctor’s office and he had to be resuscitated.  49 injections before the age of 6 is very scary.  When most of us that are 30 and older were kids, we maybe had 10 injections in our entire lifetime?  Like other things, there is a lot of fear-mongering where diseases and illnesses are concerned.

    Take the swine flu.  Sure, it’s an issue, but so is the regular flu.  They have managed to develop a vaccine that will be distributed en masse over the next few months, and the government is awfully close to making this vaccine MANDATORY.  Say you are an advocate of vaccines even – are you just okay with this?  Something that was created in such a hurry in which there has been NO time to conduct any useful clinical studies on the side effects or effectiveness or long term result of this vaccine?  Are you okay with injecting the substance into your body because it might prevent a bout of flu (which statistically speaking carries a very low chance of death, incidently)?

    @Pinjas@xanga – I agree with much of what you said.  I am not a conspiracist by any means, but it’s no secret that the FDA can be bought and sold like anyone else, and drug companies are usually out for a bottom line as well.  There is profit to be made for all hands involved when it comes to vaccines.  The government has never been one to let any ‘crisis’ go to waste (i.e. swine flu).

  • With one autistic child coming out of every one hundred and fifty kids,…..we DO have an epidemic of sorts to worry sbout.  I do believe in the fifties and sixties,…the ratio was one autistic child per ten thousand children.  Something is going on here……..and it’s not good.

  • Anonymous

    I agree with your perspective entirely.  There is a clear agenda at hand.  Which is more profitable?  Treating a cold, or treating cancer.  Treating autism, or treating whatever you can percieve?

    There is hardcore poison in a lot of things the FDA and several other organizations claim to be safe and good.  They are lieing.  Look into aspertame.

    I -HIGHLY- recommend you watch a movie called “The beautiful truth”.  I have heard of studies claiming that special diets make the problems of autism almost completely vanish.  Organic, raw and fresh fruits and vegetables are probably the answer to that problem, as it would be with most problems our bodies encounter.  Anyway, give the movie a watch and tell me what you think.

  • I never believed that vaccines cause autism.  I have a friend who has an autistic child, he was never ever vaccinated.
    @Musicluva2005@xanga – I agree with you on the relgious stance being a crock.  There are no religions that put stipulations on medical care.  Religions don’t do that, they don’t make rules/regulations regarding what parents need to do for their children as far as medicine is concerned.  It’s cults that do that.
    @Masonsmom – I’m really sorry about your complications that stemmed from chicken pox.  It’s unfortunate that there are people who still think of chicken pox being an “innocent” childhood disease.  I know of someone whose child died from chicken pox complications.  After her second child was born, she thankfully began to vaccinate that child b/c she didn’t want to risk losing another child.

  • @Musicluva2005@xanga –  another thing i didnt mention……. you say you would be pissed if you or someone you knew came down with something…. how could you if your vaccinated? doesnt make much sense to me hun. if all the other kids are vaccinated why the hell are you worried about my kid being vaccinated?

  • @Musicluva2005@xanga –  if all autsim is genetic then you tell me why my three yr old little boy has it when not a single person any where in out family tree does? i have looked all the way back 6 generations on all sides. until you have a child that has autism you have no idea the scare it puts into you. our children go through so much and the greates sorrow a parent can have is to not have your child ask to be held or to show you love. our youngest , 10 months, has not got a SINGLE vaccine, nor will he. If that means he cant got to public schools then so be it. he will be home schooled. theres no known cause for autsim, but im sure as hell not going to take the chance. my son brenden was 18 months old when he got the mmr shot. within a month he started having sleeping problems and  regressing. he stopped talking, wouldnt smile at us. nothing!  now you can tell me that it wasnt from that shot, but let me tell you this. if shots do cause autism do you really think the government is going to tell us that?! hell no!! because they know parents would stop vaccinating their kids and sue the hell out of them! also tell me why so many more kids are getting autism then 20 yrs ago??? because theres more shots that they have to have. i didnt get all of those when i was child. im sorry but when the number of kids having autism keeps raising…. something is going on. you can moan and carry on all you want about parents being protective over their kids a

    nd worrying about the shots. your not going to stop parents from delaying or not vaccinating, its that simple.

  • I’m a physician and can offer some comments toward this topic.  I haven’t read this statement from the AMA, but there have been multiple studies in America and Europe both that have failed to make a connection between autism and vaccines, so that’s probably why they are trying to quell further research in the area.  This has been an evolving debate for years which first started off as a British physician wondering about the link between the MMR vaccine and intestinal inflammation.  However, he was only observing something around 6-8 patients, which isn’t enough to make any kind of widespread generalizations about the public at large.  But it did spur on some studies in the area of autism and MMR.  The Danish study, referenced in a previous comment, failed to show any increase in autism in Denmark from before to after the MMR vaccine was introduced to their country (and as far as I could tell by the study, it is a very similar MMR to the one used in America for years but I may be wrong).  For awhile some people were supposing that it was the mercury in vaccines which was in small amounts within the vaccine perservative, called thimerosol.  Thimerosol was removed from all routine childhood vaccines in the US several years ago, and there are no other mercury-containing components in the vaccines (with exception to flu shots or non-routine vaccines).

    Part of the confusion is that autism tends to show up between about 15-24 months of age, which is right in the middle of when kids are getting vaccines every 3 months, so it’s easy to see why a connection between the two has been made.  But, again, research has not shown that autism occurs more often in vaccinated kids.  There’s also a fear of all the “toxins” or “poisons” in vaccines, but if you’ve ever let your child drink a Coke or eat a packet of Smarties, then he was exposed to way more artificial crap from that than any round of vaccines.

    I sympathize with those who have concerns about the vaccines, and I certainly feel for you if your son does have autism.  I truly want the best for my patients, and if I had any doubts about vaccines then I would question their use as well.  There are other standard medical practices and procedures that I do question based on their lack of evidence, and I would do the same for vaccines if any of the research had panned anything out.

    I also have a comment on MSG.  I haven’t read those websites cited above, so I’m not sure what most of those claims are based on.  MSG is well known to cause an intolerance-type of reaction, much like lactose can for people with lactose deficiency.  It doesn’t cause a true allergic reaction like peanuts or other common food allergies.  The comments about glutamic acid don’t seem very logical considering glutamic acid (aka glutamate) is an amino acid necessary for our normal bodily functions, especially for use in the nerves.


  • @muslimmom@momaroo – the younger you get chicken pox the better – however if you get it when you are older it can be fatal – I had it when I was 15 years of age and was in the hospital for several days as a result because the disease ended up inside of my body – I have permanent kidney and lung damage as a result…so if you are confident that your child will never get the chicken pox by all means don’t vaccinate – but if they get it when they are older then the results are completely different.  as far as the MSG theory goes – it has been made clear many years ago that MSG is bad for you, addicting and has detrimental health effects on children physically – read the label and if it has MSG don’t buy it – stay away from processed fast foods and eat the stuff that is “natural” like fruits and veggies – MSG is one of the leading causes of obesity in children, it is also behavior altering and when ADD/ADHD was the designer diagnosis for kids MSG was one of the culprits in behavior issues with children at the time.  Not sure what this has to do with autism since it is a genetic disorder and not and environmental one. 

  • When I asked for information regarding autism/vaccination studies, I was pointed to a study of Danish children who had received an entirely different vaccine from the suspect MMR. I can only assume this was the only or best study he had to point to, but I could be mistaken on that account.

    Giving us real studies that take all factors into account seems like the responsible and scientific thing to do. It is extremely disheartening that the AMA would shy away from giving us the kind of research that would give parents confidence in vaccinations, if this is true.

  • Anonymous

    Here is a link that links MSG to autism and other diseases.


    But many people don’t know that VACCINES are a very real source of Free Glutamic acid as well.  It is in the hydrolyzed gelatin added as a preservative in nearly all vaccines – but especially in the MMR vaccine.  

    Vaccines have free glutamic acid added to preserve virus.

    My kids will be on a delayed vaccine schedule. I won’t give them the Chicken Pox vaccine. I had chickenpox as a kid and so did my husband and we didn’t die.  It’s not going to kill you to have chickenpox unless you live in Africa as once you get chickenpox as a kid you won’t get it again as an adult most likely.  I had chicken pox at 7 years old and never got it again.

  • I wish people would shut up about not getting their kids vaccinated. There is a reason they are produced and that is to prevent mass pandemics and epidemics from happening. I for one am all for schools not admitting kids for not getting vaccinated and the whole exempt because of religious reasons should not fly. You have no idea how pissed I would be if I or someone I know came down with some disease that could be easily prevented because some punkass parents did not get their child vaccinated. PS autism is genetic and those people who are genetically predisposed to autism sometimes get a shot that triggers the effects.

  • My son didn’t “get” autism from vaccines – he was born with it – and frankly the discussion should be more so with the idea of putting the money that is devoted to this particular issue into the things that are proven to work for these kids like early intervention for the necessary therapies that have and are working for these kids and that it should be publicly funded like it is where I live – so that every kid has a fair shake.  Autism in my family is genetic – my brother has it, my husbands uncle had it and there are several other family members that are suspect – all of which are older and had this long before vaccines were discovered and distributed – I also have 4 children – all vaccinated on time and only one with autism…I don’t believe it – and I don’t advocate for it…these are my thoughts.

  • I agree with you.  Frankly, we don’t really know what the link between autism and vaccines is, and there are a lot of other environmental factors as well, so why NOT conduct studies and research? Seems like the medical community has a lot to hide!!

  • Quite frankly if they don’t, the AMA/FDA/AAP has NOTHING to hide, so why not OK further studies to solidify their position? 

    Yet another example of terrible ethics within the medical community. 


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