Autisable Team

What To Expect

We are aiming to connect the Autism Community.   Of course, there is Facebook and hundreds (if not thousands) of groups on Facebook where people share their thoughts and ideas and ask for suggestions.

Since our redesign, we’ve been able to recapture the blogging side of our site, where you can create an account on Autisable and submit blog posts for us to highlight on our main page.

submit post

We’ve also launched a social side of the site, allowing you to provide status updates.  But we know this is still limiting the connectivity of people who are members on Autisable.  So, we’re already in the process of getting a few more enhancements to the site launched.

Share an Update———

Before we get started, we have already updated our Terms of Use.

Ok, now that we’ve reviewed what we’ve done…

Here are a few of the enhancements that we’re getting ready to launch:

  1.  Real-time Notifications – so you can receive updates and notifications directly as they happen.
    1. Notify user when a user role is changed.
    2. Notify user when someone comments on their post
    3. Notify user when someone replies to one of their comments
    4. Notify user when another member views their profile
    5. Notify user when guests view their profile
    6. and more…
  2.  Followers – being able to follow people on Autisable.
    1. Adds a follow/unfollow button to your profile
    2. Displays followers/following stats on their profile
    3. Adds a follow/unfollow button to profile cards on member directories
    4. and more…
  3. Member Tags – We want the opportunity for parents, caregivers, and those with Autism to be able to identify themselves easily.  Far too often Parents may speak with someone and not realize the challenge in communication may be due to the individual they are speaking with may be on the Spectrum.   Or, maybe someone with Autism wants to connect with others in a similar position.   (we’re still looking into the best listing of tags – as we want to make sure it’s a voluntary list people would be willing to use appropriately)
  4. Who To Follow – We want to make some suggestions based on Member Tags and Follows, on who else would be good for you to follow.
  5. Verified Users –  We work with several non-profits/companies and syndicate hundreds of bloggers.  We want to ensure that their identity/brand is confirmed on Autisable – and will provide an easily identifiable ‘verified’ label.  Similar to Twitter and Facebook verified accounts.

We have several more enhancements we have in the works but expect the above to be launched over the course of the next several months.

Let us know what you think!

If you’ve created an account on Autisable, please make sure to also double check your email (including spam/clutter folders)

Thanks for being a part of Autisable!

– The Autisable Team

The Autisable Team

The Autisable Team

We are the Team that helps share everyone's journey with Autism. From Autisable News to Guest Posts... we're here for you.

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