Autisable Team

It’s the Same, but Only Different

Over the past couple of years while our website was down, many of you asked if we still needed writers and contributing authors.

The answer is, and always will be, yes!

Since the site was originally launched, we have always aimed at sharing YOUR stories.   In fact, we’ve connected with over a couple of hundred bloggers in the Autism Community, and several dozen non-profits world-wide.   Each of these people and organizations are glad that they have more of a reach with their content on Autisable.   Some have actually tracked their increase in traffic/audience to their own site by over 30% because we highlighted them on Autisable.

But we never felt like we did enough.   With our old system we always cited the original post, and pointed people to an account that was created on Autisable that the blogger/author could have point to their website/blog or even their social media accounts.   This is a bit antiquated and required more clicks on the reader to get to who the author really was.  Even just reading how we used to do it may result in having more questions.   This is one of the reasons why we are upgrading how we cite who or what organization is contributing on Autisable.

We will be sending an e-mail soon to those we’ve worked with over the years to help us make sure we are pointing to their updated blog URL, and their social media accounts.   We will also be asking for a mini-bio of them so that when we highlight their blog, people can immediately see who the author is, and what they blog about.   For those who have worked with us in the past, we aim to utilize the same methods on obtaining content and scheduling them – but we want to help promote your blog or website better.

For those who blog exclusively on Autisable, we are working on getting your blog back online as well.

There’s more that we will be doing to the website, but we first have to clean up the over 6,000 articles we’ve already highlighted and make sure we are ready for receiving advertisers.

As we move forward, expect more updates.

As always, thank you for your support and encouragement.


The Autisable Team

Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

One thought on “It’s the Same, but Only Different

  • Excellent communication! I hope the xanga team is paying attention and takes a cue from you all!


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