
When life hands you a blizzard…Make snowcream!

We are snowbound along with much of the state because of about 2 feet of snow. We are all a little stir crazy here. Sam spent a lot of the day running through snow drifts outside. Nate preferred being inside where it’s warm.

We settled on a project and went for it. We made snow cream. Nate remembered the lesson from a year ago and begged me to make it again. We put clean Tupperware buckets out to catch the snow. We put them high enough up that animals wouldn’t get in them. Then we mixed in cocoa, sugar, and cream… the kids loved it!


Were you Snow Bound this Winter?

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Annemarie Chagnon

Annemarie Chagnon

We are currently a family of 7 (yes 7 really) My husband and I have 5 children on earth and one precious baby in heaven. We are Catholic and we are Quiverful. We live in a small town in Southern Massachusetts. We try to live as simply as possible. We are a family of special needs people and we work every day to make this house work

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