
Boys and Their Toys

Boys will be boys.  And, they love their toys.

Nathan has been struggling for over a week now.  Too many changes at school as the new school year starts and we are working with him to overcome the anxiety.

Part of my intervention is taking him with me when I run errands.  It gives us time just to spend one on one.  Watching him struggle always brings on an on-slot of ideas and feelings.

Then at the hobby store, he spotted the 3 isles of models.  Planes, cars, trains, and Legos.  It is so incredible.  His skills are so limited…or so it seems.

He is learning his alphabet again and has started having a hard time crossing over thresholds, but he is a nine-year-old boy.  He saw those models and went from isle to isle.

Just like any nine-year-old boy!  Life is fun.

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Elizabeth Obrey

Elizabeth Obrey

The Project...of an author and mother.

0 thoughts on “Boys and Their Toys

  • i think its magnificent to see him LIKING something

    and making a DECISION (recognizing our children)


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