
Dreading Saturdays

Lots of people dread Mondays.

I hate Saturdays.

School, it seems, is very taxing for Ryan. Five days of paying attention, speech and occupational therapy sessions, interacting with other kids in socially normative ways, and keeping his behavior school-appropriate consumes of his energy. By Friday afternoon, he’s toast.

So on Saturdays, he needs to decompress. He plays what he likes, relaxes, and goes from giggling to melting down and back again without warning.  And by Sunday, he’s lovable and sweet again.

We’ve learned there’s no benefit to pushing him to do things he’s not keen to do on Saturdays, because the meltdowns will just get more intense, and if he doesn’t get all that crap out of his system on Saturday, we’ll never be able to leave the house on Sunday.

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Meredith Zolty


My kid is great! And he has PDD-NOS and ADHD (e-i-e-i-o). The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Watch us navigate the world of neurodiversity at

0 thoughts on “Dreading Saturdays

  • This sounds a lot like my son too. Mornings, Friday afternoon/evenings and often Saturdays are just like lost time where nothing much is going to happen.

  • I hate Saturdays because there is nothing to do.  Few of the ways I use to divert myself during the week are really enjoyable.  An old game I play usually works. 


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