
Our Morning Routine and “the Pants”

Anyone who has any real contact with kids like Sam knows routine is the key to success. We use to have terrible mornings and it took me until the end of last year to get it. I gave up on socks and underwear (only after I was assured there is no medical reason for them) I went and got him clothes he would absolutely wear and let go of everything he fought me on. I followed the same exact routine everyday.

1. Call him from my room. Seeing me the second he opens his eyes is apparently too much. I can only say “Sam time to wake up buddy” It has to be what he calls my watery voice (softly said , high tone, sing song sort of thing)

2. I must give him about 5 minutes. Despite having a clock in his room he hasn’t gotten the concept yet so I can use the wiggle room here.

3. Go in, remind him its time to get up  in my watery voice and rub his back. kiss his nose, just his nose and remind him he has clothes in his organizer. Sam will ask what is for breakfast. Sam will ask what specialty is for today. Sam will ask if it is raining.

4. He will strip off his jams and go pee. We are working on this step.Sam will ask what is for breakfast. Sam will ask what specialty is for today. Sam will ask if it is raining.

5. Sam gets dressed. If it’s a gym day he only wears his blue pants. If it’s art or music he will wear the red or black pairs.Sam will ask what is for breakfast. Sam will ask what specialty is for today. Sam will ask if it is raining.

6. Breakfast.

7.  Shoes. Only slip on, only black, no socks. They must be under the bench or Sam will be upset.

8. Backpack. Check lunch. Sam will ask what is for lunch. Sam will ask what specialty is for today. Sam will ask if it is raining.

9. Coat. and ready to go.  Sam will ask what is for lunch. Sam will ask what specialty is for today. Sam will ask if it is raining.

10. Sam runs ahead of me to the bus stop. He crosses in front of me at the corner and runs to the next corner. He waits for his bus.

Today I screwed up. His pants were in the dryer still since he needed the blue ones (gym day) nothing else would do. They would have been all set but the dryer never actually got turned on. I gave him his oatmeal and went to get the pants. I had to fold the entire laundry load (Sam isn’t the only one in this house who follows a routine) I came back up and sam hadn’t eaten a single bite. His reason.

“Breakfast is for after pants mom.”
We almost missed the bus. Maybe we need to work on flexibility?

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Annemarie Chagnon

Annemarie Chagnon

We are currently a family of 7 (yes 7 really) My husband and I have 5 children on earth and one precious baby in heaven. We are Catholic and we are Quiverful. We live in a small town in Southern Massachusetts. We try to live as simply as possible. We are a family of special needs people and we work every day to make this house work

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