Autism Light: Joy Smith
Joy Smith with her son AdrianJoy Smith is from Missouri. She is the mother of four children, including a son Adrian who has autism and a daughter Sanura who has Asperger’s Syndrome. Since 2006 Joy has been a blogger for her blog called Joy’s Autism Blog. Joy Smith is an Autism Light because of how her blog has brought encouragement, hope, education, and joy to others in the autism community.
Joy Smith describes herself on her Twitter profile like this: I’m a wife, mother of 4, child of God, autism advocate, blogger, homemaker, in support of large families, breastfeeding, and natural childbirth. You can follow her on Twitter at
Joy’s Four Children at an Art MuseumAutism Light asked Joy Smith what her two favorite posts have been and she mentioned these two, which you can read by clicking on the links.
Joy also has posts featured on Autism Speaks blog. You can read about Joy Smith on her “About Me” section of her blog. Joy Smith explained why she is a blogger in this way to Autism Light.
I firmly believe that sharing our autism experiences in some way, whether that is through a blog, giving talks, taking part in support groups, or just telling friends and families about autism is the very best way to get people with autism the respect and treatment they deserve. That’s what I’m trying to do with my blog (Joy Smith). Contact: If you could like to contact Joy Smith you can leave a comment on one of her blog posts or you can email her at YouTubeSpecial thanks to Joy Smith for leading the way as a blogger for autism. Joy’s Autism Blog is truly an inspiration to many around the world who have the opportunity to follow the joys and challenges of Joy Smith’s family.
Autism Light honors diverse heroes to the world of autism.
Photo: The photos in this post was used with permission of Joy Smith.