2012: A Review in Pictures
We rang in the New Year
with silly glasses and cool hats!!
So….. nothing major happened in February, so here’s some cute shots of the boys.
Ashton participated in his VERY first race with Team Hoyt VB
and Holden did his first “solo” long distance race – both participated in the Shamrock 8K!
Holden at his corral for the 8K start
Holden also did the
Operation Smile Final Mile with his school 
Easter was a blast, here are the boys looking for easter eggs!
![]() Here are David and Holden, with Ashton and Joe at the Autism Awareness 5K ![]() ![]() David and Holden running during the 5K … and yes, Holden was seriously ticked off at me because it was FREEZING that day! Ashton and Joe at the finish line! Woohoo!
Yep, a double-digit kid and a teenager, wow!
Happy Birthday Boys!
Happy Memorial Day!!
Ashton went with me to pick fresh strawberries! Num!!
Perhaps one of my favorite pictures
I’ve ever captured on my cellphone…
The saddest time of our year, Granny’s passing…
We LOVE you and MISS you every day! xoxoxox….
But then something cool happened!
We made new friends!
Ashton and Marc met and became fast friends!
This was at the CHKD 8K race!
Then we went to Holden’s VERY FIRST concert – RASCAL FLATTS!
We went camping and had a LOT of fun!
Ashton, Marc and Andrea did the Allen Stone Run Swim Run 5K
Ashton got to surf at mini surf camp with Mr Alex! He’s SUPER COOL!
David turned 40!!! Neener Neener!
we took the boys to Busch Gardens for the first time!
Ashton’s teacher and some friends went with us!
Another race – the Surfers Healing VB 5K!
Ashton got to meet Doc Paskowitz and see Izzy again!
Last First Day of elementary school – FIFTH grade already, Wow!
Last First Day of Middle School (maybe?)…. EIGHTH grade, WOW!!!!!
Soccer season was back in full swing!
The guys also participated in their first half-marathon (Marc and Ashton)
and Holden ran another 5K in the mini marathon! wow!
I also took the boys to their first little carnival – they LOVED it!
Ashton participated in the Crawlin’ Crab 1/2 marathon while Holden and David did the 5k!
Holden was out there once again at another soccer game!
Marc and Ashton did the Wicked 10K
while Holden did the Monster Mile
Marc came to visit Ashton at school (what a cool surprise that was!)
Marc and his family came out for
the 2nd annual GonnawannaRUNagain 5K and 1/2 mi Fun Run
Ashton got to run beside Marc for the 1/2 mi fun run and I’m not sure who enjoyed it more! LOL The Leber family (minus David and PLUS Gervas) before the 5K
Yea so my guys don’t look all that thrilled that they’re finished with their races! LOL
Ashton, Marc and Santa at the 10-mile start (Surf-n-Santa 10miler)
Holden at the start for the Frosty’s 5K
Nearing the end of the Frosty’s 5K – way to go little man!
Almost finished – another 10miles under their belts!
Ashton, Ms Lisa and Holden at the start of the Santa Claus Shuffle 5K
The boys after the race – great job guys!