Top 10 Christmas gifts NOT to Give a Child with ASD
What a great time to start thinking about Christmas presents for your favorite child on the Autism Spectrum.
Without further adieu, here is my list that I came up with as TheFowler4Groupwas driving back from Christmas vacation…(and please keep in mind that this is supposed to be lighthearted so if you’re a Validation Parent or take offense…deal with it)
The Top 10 Christmas Gifts NOT to give a Child on the Spectrum
#10: A year’s supply of Slurpee: nothing says “BAD IDEA” like sugar and brain freeze
#9 A Karaoke Machine: Trust me, if your child gets a hold of the mic they will make all sorts of sounds non-stop
#8: Membership to Toast Masters Club: Although it might actually be a good idea…
#7: Box of Non-Drowsy Benedryl: That would be pointless wouldn’t it? “Hey kid, here’s something that will help you (and mommy & daddy) sleep. WHAT…non-drowsy…well that’s no good.
#6: Candy, candy, candy: Especially candy that is easily unwrapped so your 6-year-old son can sneak into the next room and quietly eat an entire box of M&M’s and other fun stuff
#5: Broken iPad: Actually that’s a pretty lame gift for anyone…so just don’t give that at all
#4: Metallica “Enter Sandman” CD: The last thing a kid on the Spectrum needs is someone screaming at them to “keep one eye opened” … it’s hard enough trying to get them to sleep as it is.
#3: Blanket made of straw: Again, not a great gift for anyone but certainly not for those kids that like heavy, warm blankets for security and comfort
#2: Strobe Light: Along with the loud music, probably not a good idea to have a rotating ball of lights going at various speeds while a child is trying to get to sleep
#1: Clothes: While that might seem like an odd choice…think about it–what kid (on-or-off the Spectrum) wants to unwrap a beautiful box and find a new pair of socks or a tie or whatever
To read more blogs from Seth and TheFowler4Group, check out their Website ( and while you’re there, buy a copy of their book, “Look At My Eyes”. To contact TheFowler4 Group email:
“Enter Sandman” in on their black album (actually titled Metallica, like the band) and it was my first album of theirs, but not a very good one. I’d suggest …And Justice for All. It’s harder, faster, and angrier. Besides, Metallica is a thrash metal band, but the black album is modern alternative rock.
Should be retitled bad gifts for anyone