
Don’t Let Me Go

I will never stop fighting for you, my sweet big dude. You will get what you need, despite what anyone thinks, says or does. Yes, you will be happy and successful in your life, in whatever way that means for you. Your smile is so sweet, your personality so engaging (yes, I just said that about an autistic child), and your eyes and heart are so full of life!  

We will keep fighting the fight to get you what you deserve!

Love you sweet dude!


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Jennifer McCormick

Jennifer McCormick

From a non-verbal, severely autistic two-year-old little boy to a happy-go-lucky, social, verbal and friend to everyone fifteen-year-old teenager. Add in the little brother who struggles with ADHD and we've got some craziness going on! The journey has been well-worth the ups and downs and the heartbreaks are all worth it when I see my sons overcome the "impossible" and defy all odds. I couldn't be more proud. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

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