Going to Court: What Was the Point?

First guest post by my good friend Donna who attended Court with me on the 30th March 2010 regarding attendance. Here is what she had to say....
What was the point? After attending Court with my best mate Claire I walked away with a head full of questions a heart full of conflicting emotions. And a sore chin ( due to my gobsmacked response to the guilty verdict. )
Obviously I was happy that the more serious charge of “intention” ie.. that Claire intended to keep the children away from school wasn’t upheld. Anyone with two brain cells who knew anything about Aspergers would agree with the verdict.
However I’m left wondering how many brain cells the person/people have who decided to raise the question of “intention” in reference to the “guilty” verdict. Did it take the cost of bringing this case to court, the time of the professionals involved and the stress & worry Claire had to endure to state the obvious? Yes she was aware the childrens attendance record was “only” 76% ( Or there abouts ). A score that would be given an A or B grade if achieved in an A’ level exam. We’re talking about a 9 & 7-year-old not kindergartener’s. There’s no way the kids could ‘wag’ ( as we use to call it ) off school without Claire knowing.
Although I wouldn’t put it past Little Man giving it a go.
This was a “criminal” case that in my opinion was criminal only in the fact that it was brought to court at all!
What was achieved? Apart from Claire having to pay a fine ‘Which in practical terms can only have an effect on the kids welfare! Money spent paying the fine is money that would have been spent on them? Well let’s think…..erm…….Oh yes that’s right A BIG FAT NOTHING.
So it was confirmed Claire knew the children had been absent on numerous days-So what? Does that do anything to resolve the matter or at least improve it? Again a BIG FAT ZERO! The reason for the children being absent is rooted in the diagnosis of Aspergers. A court case isn’t going to do change this fact! & since Claire is already doing all she can to educate herself on all areas of Aspergers, Plus asking for help from numerous professionals, Society’s, Groups etc I can’t see how she can do more!