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Autisable Sponsors Music Speaks 2012

A few weeks ago we saw on Comedy Central “A Night of Too many Stars” and the video where Katy Perry shared the spotlight with a young girl with Autism named Jodi.

We can all agree that the video was extraordinarily heartwarming, bringing tears to many eyes and a reason why we push forward in bringing awareness and understanding and services to those who deal with Autism.  

As I’ve shared before on my blog, I met via phone a young gentleman named AJ Rafael.   He’s a youtube personality and a highly talented musician.

Four years ago he started a movement called Music Speaks, in an effort to bring awareness to Autism through the power of music.

He’s expanding this movement into a non-profit organization, and we look forward to working with him more in the weeks and months ahead.

With this being the fourth year of this event, he pulled together some serious youtube talent to bring forth a show that was not only family friendly, but also brought awareness about Autism to his local community via Music Speaks.

We’re excited to help sponsor this event (as you may see our logo in this video)…. 


We were just one of several organizations that helped sponsor and promote this event, and we’re very proud of AJ and all of those on the Music Speaks team to make this event happen.

We’d like to see this event continue, along with making it grow.

A big thank you to AJ and his team for bringing Autism Awareness through the power of music and educating the youtube community more about Autism.



Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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