
Autism Light: Lou Melgarejo

Lou Malgarejo with his daughter BiancaLou Melgarejo is from Chicago, Illinois. He has three children, including one daughter with autism named Bianca. Lou Melgarejo is an Autism Light because of his autism advocacy through his blog and an award winning video he made called “Fixing Autism”.

Fixing Autism Video: Lou Melgarejo’s video called “Fixing Autism” has received over 125,000 views on YouTube. Lou Malegarejo also received the 2011 Speak Out Award from Autism Speaks for this video. Here is the video from YouTube.


Blog:  Lou Melgarejo has a blog called “Lou’s Land” @lousland. On this blog he writes from his heart on issues that impact his family. They are real stories that other autism parents can relate to. You can read the blog at At this time Lou’s Land is #7 in the Top 25 Autism blogs at You can vote for it at

Social Media:  You can follow Lou Melgarejo on the following social media areas.

Special thanks to Lou Melgarejo for being an autism advocate. It is a parents like Lou that make the world a brighter place for the autism community.

Autism Light honors diverse heroes to the world of autism.


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Alan Stokes

Alan Stokes

Autism Light is an upbeat but real blog that takes readers on a journey that recognizes diverse heroes in and for the autism community.

0 thoughts on “Autism Light: Lou Melgarejo

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