
Near New Jersey? Help Start a New Autism Scholarship Program!

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does” – William James

Autism was first introduced almost 100 years ago and today affects 1 in every 88 individuals. While 500,000 young autistic individuals will reach adulthood within the next decade, countless others have already reached that plateau today. For those individuals who will attend college, many of them must go out of pocket due for additional services to the lack of disability supports available across the nation. These extra costs go to things such as assistive technologies and special accommodations that most public/private universities won’t provide for their students. 

With that being said our Non-Profit (KFM Making a Difference In The Community) is starting one of the only scholarship programs this Fall for autistic individuals pursuing a college education to help with these financial burdens. If you can donate even a dollar to the cause it would be greatly appreciated! To donate please contact me at or via my paypal account which is located on the right side of my website here!

Bonus Event! This Wednesay, August 8th, please join us for one of our first autism charity events for the scholarship! We are hosting an event in Jersey City, New Jersey from 6:30-8:30 PM on 930 Newark Avenue (6th Floor). Food and Drinks will be served along with a raffle with all the proceeds going to our Non-Profit for the scholarship! For more information you can find our event on Eventbrite Here. You can also tweet any questions you have about the event at #Grandopenjc

Please, if you can, share this event as we try to help make a difference in the lives of those affected by autism! God bless all!

Kerry Magro

Kerry Magro

Kerry was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) a form of autism, at age 4. Kerry is a national movational speaker, best-selling author, movie consultant and non-profit founder.

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