Kicked Out, Misunderstood, and Mistreated
A few weeks ago, my son, Brandon went into a cell phone store and he was told to leave. When he got home he called me and said, “I don’t ever want to go back to that cell phone store again, they are rude.”
Yes, my son frequents the store often, but he is a paying customer and has had numerous problems with his cell phones. He does not express himself well and the sales people don’t understand him and find him annoying. I told a friend what happened to Brandon while at the store. He was livid. He said they have no right to treat people that way, especially customers. The next day, I called the store to talk with the manager. He assured me that he would look into the matter and take care of it and told me that the way my son was treated was unacceptable.
Since that conversation with Brandon, he went back to the cell phone store and was treated well. He called me and said that the employees at the cell phone store were nice to him. Was it because he just bought a new phone? I don’t know, but what I do know is that many of our children who have autism have a hard time expressing themselves and they too are often misunderstood and mistreated.
Is there an incident you would like to share about your child being mistreated?