
Autism Light: Laura Shumaker

Laura ShumakerLaura Shumaker is a writer, speaker and a autism advocate. She lives in Lafayette, California. She is a mother of three children and her oldest son Matthew has autism. Laura Shumaker is an Autism Light because her writings and advocacy for autism are an inspiration to many.

Author: In 2008, Laura Shumaker published her book, A Regular Guy: Growing Up with Autism. The book chronicles her families journey of acceptance and love as their son with autism, Matthew, grows up (he is now 25). It also presents a unique perspective of how siblings face having autism in the family. There are some excellent reviews of the book online such as the following:  

The following YouTube video was made to share about the book with family pictures interwoven throughout the presentation.


On the next YouTube video Laura Shumaker reads an excerpt from her book.


Laura Shumaker writes often on autism related issues at the following places online.

  1. On her home blog at  
  2. As a contributor to the blog
  3. As a special contributor for the San Francisco Chronicle.

Social Media: To stay informed about Laura Shumaker you can find her at the following social media.

Special thanks to Laura Shumaker for being an Autism Light.

Autism Light is a daily look at diverse heroes to the world of autism. 

Photo: Photo in this post used with permission of Laura Shumaker.

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Alan Stokes

Alan Stokes

Autism Light is an upbeat but real blog that takes readers on a journey that recognizes diverse heroes in and for the autism community.

One thought on “Autism Light: Laura Shumaker

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