
Autism Decorations!

Our town started a new tradition last year — the Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Grove. It’s a fundraiser to benefit the District’s Schools and music programs. We were invited to come over and help decorate the tree for Autism Speaks (North Bay).

Wow! When we got to the Town Green, it seemed as if half the population was there. It was such an upbeat, energetic crowd of people happily decorating. I heard they have 150 trees this year. It’s certainly become a big hit.


I was proud of James. He did a great job of talking with people and hanging ornaments. There was an unfortunate interlude where he ran off with someone’s scissors and didn’t want to come back, but he finally responded when faced with the count of “1-2 …..”

We enjoyed wandering around, checking out the other trees. Here are a couple of our favourites:

We enjoyed gelato at Powell’s after, sitting on an outside bench with friends. I let the kids run across the Green to climb, slide, and jump at the playground on our way back to the car.

Simple pleasures. Such a good time.

Next April 14th. We will be walking again to raise awareness, research funds, and support each other. Hope to see you there!

For James


A Blog to chronicle our son's journey through developmental delays and dealing with austisic disorder.

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