
Mercury-Autism Research Scandal

Our doctors told us that studies showed mercury in vaccines doesn’t cause autism, and studies showed the measles virus in the MMR vaccine doesn’t cause autism. Therefore, they concluded, vaccines don’t cause autism. (What about the 98 zillion other possible things in all vaccines that could be wrong?) Aside from this faulty logic, now it looks like the mercury in vaccines DID possibly cause autism, a fact known to some at the CDC at the time. And the mercury still in the flu shots.

What’s happened? Through the Freedom of Information Act, a citizen advocacy group has obtained copies of CDC emails to vaccine researchers that seem to show a coverup of research results. The actual research results showed that autism rates in the controversial Danish study dropped after the mercury was removed, although the resulting article claimed the rates increased.  The advocacy group, The Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs, is demanding that the journal Pediatrics retract the resulting article, and that the CDC launch an investigation.

So what else is being covered up for the benefit of those who profit from vaccines?

This is my kids we’re talking about, two out of four on the autism spectrum, all vaccinated on schedule to the hilt with thimerosal and everything else in the vaccine proponents’ arsenal at the time. Say, isn’t the government supposed to be protecting us? Grr.


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