
A Somewhat Weird Halloween

Monday was Halloween, and in all honesty it was a bit of a weird one.

Alice-Sara returned to school following the half-term  Little man didn’t return in till today. Nonetheless, I wasn’t having him remain in bed all day and he did finally get up after much debate & a pretty standard meltdown!

After giving the kids some breakfast, my youngest took a mid-morning nap which surprised me as he hasn’t done this for quite some time, however, with the bubba asleep and little man refusing to budge from in front of the television to let me watch some ‘This Morning’ I decided to sneak upstairs and indulge in a little twitter before catching up on some reviews (though it’s not like there wasn’t more practical things I should have been doing like, de-cluttering my wardrobe). Oh yes, the lack of wardrobe space I can no longer ignore, as much as I hate getting rid of any of my clothing some of it has to go (with the exception of footwear) that’s a big NO, NO.

Later I needed to head of to the doctor’s surgery to pick up the Little man’s prescription for his Melatonin, which has been change to a different brand as a result of the National health cuts. This basically means, he will now take a brand of Melatonin called ‘Circadian’ given in the form of a tablet, instead of the capsules he was on before. I had also raised concerns with the Doctor as the melatonin seemed to be wearing of quite quickly (or not working at all) The new medication is a prolonged release and can you believe it, I woke up this morning only to realise that Little man hasn’t woken all night not once! ‘Please God let this continue!’ This was the first time I have slept all night in… I don’t know how long!

I also had to see the Doctor who was strangely dressed as a vampire in the spirit of the Halloween. “Um… Yes, this was a pretty strange experience given I was there to talk about my need to change contraception”! This wasn’t something I saw myself doing when I woke up that morning, discussing my women’s business with a blood sucking vampire with fake blood running down his chin!

Next stop was the local chemist to exchange my prescription for something that would get the Little man some much-needed kip. This was just as weird given I was served by a teenager in a cat suit who wore the most freakish set of contact lenses I’ve ever come across (completely white with a little black pin dot in place of a pupil)!

The next stop would be my mothers to collect the children, as I walked the short distance I was passed by cute little one’s dressed in adorable costumes, trick or treating with their parents. I also passed the local yobs egging the bus then running away from the neighbour hood patrollers, “It’s all found and games where I live”!

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any wackier, as I approached my mothers turning, I noticed some random middle-aged guy rolled in a ball laying on the pavement This man was either trying to save a parking space for the wife, or maybe even dead, I wasn’t sure! Well, me being the tit that I can be, “Occasionally” decided to be a  good citizen by asking him, “Excuse me, are you dead” “Come on… if he was, I wasn’t going to get an answer was I !” Sometimes I ask the most stupid questions, but I blame it on having kids Well, the good news is, he wasn’t dead, just as pissed as a fart, I did try to warn him it would be an idea if he moved on, (not that he was bothering me, I could just see him getting egged by the rotten lot at the bottom of the hill). He mumbled and then went back to sleep. I tried, but had kids to collect, so went on my way.

Once at my mothers I told my little sister what I had witnessed, it was only then I discovered he had been there some 3 hours before, as my sister  had seen him when collecting my daughter from school! She informed me that some local people who live in the houses near where he was laying, had tried getting him up but he wasn’t having any off it! With that I called the guys in blue, and expressed my concern. No one deserves to be left In that state no matter if it’s self inflicted or otherwise. Well, someone had to move him!

I left my mothers an hour and a half later to see the blue light only just approaching. The poor drunken dude was still laying there on the ground only now he was covered in eggs from his head down to his toes, good job the police were there at last, otherwise I fear he may have been eaten by a hungry fox or two.

It had been an eventful evening, the trip to the surgery had saved me from an evening of “Trick or treat” my sister took them instead, though I felt no guilt when tucking into their sweets when they were sleeping,! They had so many I was sure they would never notice, of course Little man proved me wrong with the screaming and shouting this morning! I’m sure the neighbours came to the conclusion that I had done a lot more than pinched a few celebrations and a packet of mix-up when he branded me a big fat thief, “Nice, I know!”

So… That was our Halloween, a tad strange and one I wont forget in a hurry. Honestly, I’ll never look at that doctor the same way again!


Claire Parkinson

Claire Parkinson

I’m a mother to three gorgeous children, one (my eldest) has a diagnosis of Aspergers

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