
Autism Light: Boston Red Sox

Today’s Autism Light is the Boston Red Sox.

The Boston Red Sox are a Major League Baseball Team located in Boston, Massachusetts.  They were organized in 1901 and were one of 8 charter teams that started Major League Baseball 110 years ago.  The Boston Red Sox are today’s Autism Light because of their compassion and commitment to encouraging the participation of people with autism over the past years at their games for Disability Awareness Day. 

The following event from the Summer of 2007 epitomizes the reason the Boston Red Sox were awarded an Autism Light. I encourage you to watch this video clip where a man with autism is offered a helping hand in finishing the song after he gets nervous. You won’t be alone in watching this though, because almost 1.5 million people have viewed it on YouTube: 


Two previous Autism Lights with autism were also given the opportunity to sing the United States National Anthem at Fenway Park for the start of a Boston Red Sox game.

Social Media:  To follow Boston Red Sox on social media visit these pages.

Special thanks to the Boston Red Sox for shining a light on the cause autism by opening the door over the past years to special people with autism to sing the National Anthem at Fenway Park.

Autism Light is a daily look at diverse heroes to the world of autism.
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Alan Stokes

Alan Stokes

Autism Light is an upbeat but real blog that takes readers on a journey that recognizes diverse heroes in and for the autism community.

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