
Joining a Different Age Group

You know what I love best about homeschooling?  The fact that I can tailor the age group that Logan gets to play with according to his developmental age not his chronological one.  It has made all the difference in the world in filling in the gaps he missed when he was younger. 

What I did was put him where he would be successful and could relate to the other children.  This sometimes meant that he was 9 years old and attending the kindergarten/first grade group.  But he could relate to them.  He could navigate the social scene with little prompting.  This made him feel good and left me to navigate the scene with his preschool sister.

I don’t have to do this all that often now.  Because we were able to fill in the social gaps that were missing, Logan has been able to join his age appropriate peers.  He would never have had the opportunity for a social “do over” in a regular school setting.  That’s what makes this tip my all time favorite homeschooling one!

Penny Rogers

Penny Rogers

Just a Florida homeschooling mom attempting to navigate autismland with my teenage son with autism and the rest of my goofy family. We love Jesus and live gluten free . One kid with celiac and one gluten free for his autism. We utilize the Charlotte Mason approach mixed with lots of field trips as well as jaunts to Walt Disney World. Just sharing my adventures to make you feel better about your family and maybe learn a thing or two that helps !

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