Autism made me love God more!
I love God for many reasons. I am going to share one with you.
When my son got diagnosed with Autism I received two main feelings; I was unhappy for my son as I dream that my children will rule the world.
Did this Autism thing mean he was never gonna get a fair shot?
The second was that God said, help those who are like you, to feel not as bad Maia.I mean I actually felt that statement in my heart and spirit at the same time, when I discovered Quinn’s Autism. So that was it.
So He has set in me a passion to make people like our family, not feel as bad as our family does… about having one of our children having to struggle through Autism.
I really feel better when someone who living with this thing – feels better through what God has instructed me to do.
So in doing this and doing that “Autism Help Related”, to help others face Autism in Jamaica in whatever way I could, God led me to the perfect school for my child.
That school is the Adonijah Group of Schools in Jamaica; it is Ministry of Education (Jamaica) approved, regulated and monitored and supported to an extent, however not with priority.
It caters to Autists and other special needs children.
ADONIJAH contacts are 1-876-770-1223 and, it is situated at 20 Elspeth Avenue off Hagley Park Road in Jamaica.
I think this school is one of the best!
At a recent meeting of like institutions, the principal of Adonijah Ruthlyn James says it was discovered they are currently the only school of that nature, that have had students pass for Jamaica College High School among other traditional high schools in Jamaica. A traditional high school! Can you believe that?!
But guess what, if God never dominated my intention with the mission He gave – if I wasn’t trying to help others and only focused on our trauma – I would never have found them. And Quinn I believe would not have benefited from their approach there.
I want when Quinn takes his high school test GSAT (the Jamaican standard) to pick for my Alma mater Campion College High School in Jamaica and his father’s school Kingston College in Jamaica.
Just because.
And I never thought that, that normal and very wonderful part of a Jamaican child’s life – would even be a part of his life, when I heard about how severe his Autism was at the age of three.
The mere fact that he will be able to sit that exam and tick Campion and KC, in the high school choice box – even just as choice, even if he doesn’t pass for Campion or K.C. but another school – this development for me is VICTORY OF GOD.
Special Needs Students of all types are taught cooking at Adonijah – Quinn too – Spanish… Quinn too, which he knows!
And at school Quinn is in the popular group with his friends. Another normal experience I feel elated over.The staff at Adonijah are excellent !
So if you have general doubts about things of a spiritual nature; my testimony is the God principle works – have faith that God exists and He will honour His word by keeping His promises if you abide by His word.
Love God and live!
What a wonderful post. God bless you!