
Peppa Pig enters the house

Peppa Pig is a recent discovery in our house. I have to say I quite enjoy the programmes myself if only they didn’t have to snort mid-sentence. My children happen to love the snorting so I had better learn to love it too!

We got the chance to review Peppa Pigs’ Party Time iPad app. It is a series of mini games that work from the planning stages of a party through to some of the games played at childrens parties. The graphics are recognizable as those from the tv programme as are the voices and music.

My 2 year old loved this app. She has spent quite a bit of time on it. She was well able to navigate and learn how to play the game on her own and it is the first app she opens when she picks up the iPad.

We had something unexpected happen though, which is just as important. HRH, my 3 year old with autism, also loves it. I didn’t expect that. They fight over it, once one child hears the music from the open app the pushing and shoving begins. He snorts along with the characters and verbalizes about it, saying ‘****** is a pig’ when his sister snorts. This is a big deal for a child with autism (and very funny!).

Not only that, but now that I can see he is interested in the app I will be able to use it as a social story later on. HRH is unable to cope with parties in any shape or form. We just go with the flow rather than pressure him so we have never had a birthday party for him. As he gets older though he will come across parties more and I will use this app to explain the process to him and show him some of the party games children play. The same can be said for Her Cuteness, at 2 she doesn’t have much experience of birthday parties but she won’t find it overwhelming the same way HRH does.

The app costs €3.99 and now that I have seen how good it is I will be purchasing some of the others available.

I will leave you with one final snort as I need to separate the pair of them.They are arguing over the app as I type!!

What app does your family love?

Jen Cull

Jen Cull

Mum of 3 great children, one of whom has autism. Wife, taxi service, blogger, cook and chief bottle washer in my *spare* time

0 thoughts on “Peppa Pig enters the house

  • My two love Peppa Pig. Particularly my little boy. Must be all the dinosaurs. I had to go out and buy the Peppa Pig Bed and redesign the bedrooms. I also bought the Peppa Parrot game on the iPhone, must be the best money I ever spent!


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