
Pure Joy

What are you feeling today? Me, I’m feeling JOY. And, sure, it’s a bit of the assuming the obvious–I’ve reached a milestone achievement in my career as a writer with the publication of my first book. But, it’s more. And then, less than that. It’s actually just Pure. And, Simple…Pure and Simple Joy. It began when I got up in the dark at 5:15. (Remember, I rise at this hour because of my daughter’s high school hours. Not my usual preference.)

The crescendo built as I rounded corners from bedroom to great room, my bare feet cushioned by the carpet. My pajama clothed body appreciating the steady, comforting warmth greeting me this and each morning via my new heating unit. I was Up. I was Alive. The Light of the day was coming soon. I knew behind the shades, the Fall Color still graced a smattering of spine-ly reaching limbs and blanketed the ground beneath. Winter, I knew, was coming. The thought of this and all the accompanying sensory bounty brought forth JOY in my spirit from within. (Yeah, that sounds cliche, but it is how I felt this morning and feel as I write this now.)

And then, clutching the steering wheel, on the road to High School with Grace, as I dove deeper into this Happy Emotion I knew that I was Happy that Winter was coming. And not just because I like Winter. It was because Winter symbolizes something special to me.  Another Winter is coming, signifying a significant passage in my Life. Another Winter that I have survived and maneuvered emotionally and physically through and from Divorce.To me, Winter signifies gestating, surviving and bursting through from Grief. I’m approaching Winter Number Seven since I divorced. Each Winter brings Affirmation and Renewal of the Strength of Spirit that ushered me through to Joy.

I Am Grateful….

Closing here with this piece of beautiful wisdom from someone whom I know that has experienced significant upheaval and loss in his life in the last few years. He writes (bold facing mine): “I have been practicing [Buddhism] for around 15 years, and try not too see loss. There are always gains that one must find. If we can achieve happiness during adverse times, then it is so much easier to appreciate the times filled with less adversity. In this life of subsequent ones. Grief is sometimes difficult, and I have likened to living with chronic pain.”

Image Source: copyrighted photo: Leisa A. Hammett
Originally posted November 2009
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Leisa Hammett
Author. Blogger. Speaker. ARTism Agent.;;
Leisa Hammett

Leisa Hammett

Author. Blogger. Speaker. ARTism Agent.;;

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