
Awaiting Health Care

Drowning in a tidal wave. Rapidly repeatedly smashing his head hard onto a solid object trying to cause more pain to block out the pain he is already in – giving himself something to cling onto – to find his way back.

This is what it looks like to me. A tidal wave of pain from what though – I don’t know. C needs investigations to rule out health issues.

His desperate eyes boring into your heart silently screaming for you to help him. But you can’t always.

I wrote about this back in Feb. The words ‘critical ‘crisis’ ‘life threatening’ have all been used and yet C has only yesterday got to see the right Consultant who would prescribe meds and a referral to see a Neurologist. Meds might take yet another week – ‘as we are busy’.

This isn’t from lack of trying by me and C’s home and The Challenging Behaviour Foundation. We have been chasing – we have been repeating ourselves to different people and we get moved onto the next.

Fills me with immense frustration, despair and disbelief. Non of which is about autism but the system. The children’s world was very different.

You read and hear about valuing people people first, respect, dignity. So why has C been passed from pillar to post no one seemingly wanting to take responsibility. And in the meantime he is seriously self-injuring nearly every day. He is telling us loud and clear something is wrong

C’s next head bang could be his last.

Has no one learnt any lessons from Mencaps Death by indifference and the inquires that have followed.

Jen Shrek

Jen Shrek

Mum, advocate and #ActuallyAutistic challenging the system.

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