
Unraveling the Secrets of a Well Packed Handbag

  Unraveling the Secrets of a Well Packed Handbag suitcase

As a young traveler, I thought that lugging that incredibly cumbersome and expensive designer half open bag around the airport made me look sexy until I got pick pocketed, that is.

Then came that period in my life when I somehow developed extra limbs to carry the overloaded diaper bag, baby one, toddler two and stroller, as well as what resembled the tower of Babel as my personal handbag through airports. Luckily, those were pre -9/11 days when everyone was sympathetic, and no one cared what your bags held.

Nowadays, I still log around items I need for myself and my family.The only difference is I picked up some smart tips over the years to help me cut on the quantity of items I pack and keep it to a bare minimum. By sharing my tips here, I’m hoping that you too will enjoy a well-packed handbag.


Buying the right bag

Size matters
Find out what the flight company allows for a personal item and buy the sturdiest and non-structured bag you can find like   LeSportsac or Longchamp.
Buy the largest you can so you can fill it to the brim especially when traveling with kids.

Zippers and pockets
Make sure that the bag closes on top with a double zipper, in case one side fails, and that it zips from one end to the other completely.
That will protect you from pickpockets, things falling out from the open sides and bed bugs.
Extra zippered outside pockets were useful to throw in last minute items like boarding passes, headphones, receipts, and hand wipes.

Look for Fabric Bags
The best travel bag by far is the one you can throw in your washer when you return from the trip, and lighter the fabric the better since t some airlines that have a set limit on handbag weight.
True, that does limit the field to a few companies and might make you look less glamorous at the counter, but the benefits do outweigh the drawbacks.

Colorful holders for your ‘stuff.’

Carefully organized and packed items can make your life a lot easier, especially when you are trying to find an item fast in a semi-darkened airplane cabin.
You should have a differently colored bag for each category.
Write your family name on each bag so if the bag is misplaced or lost during the flight, the airline can return it to you.

Carrying the right ‘Stuff.’


The trick is to have everything in small quantities, so you can access it when needed.So, buy travel sized makeup, meds, and even duck tape.

cameras, videos, e-readers, iPad, chargers, memory cards, personal headphones

mini first aid kit, a piece of moleskin,  Advil, Immodium, Benadryl, Visine,

Cologne/perfume, brush, makeup, lip balm, single use toothbrushes (wisp), dental floss, deodorant

General aids
Mini Lysol sprays for funky looking toilet seats, a small hand cream container, contact lenses and or glasses.

Duct tape and a flashlight
Duct tape to patch anything torn/broken and a  flashlight to look for lost items under seats.

Beach Coverall
Made of thin rayon, it can creatively serve multiple purposes during travel, including clean flight blanket, seat cover, kid bib or even an emergency diaper, in addition to its original use.

In today’s travel world sooner or later you will get stuck on a plane with poor or no ventilation. A mini battery operated fan can quickly and efficiently help to cool you off.

Extra pair of glasses
If you still own a single pair of vision glasses. Get an extra pair, pronto!There’s nothing more annoying than looking for a place to fix your glasses in a strange city when you are pressed for time and trying to cram in as much sightseeing time as you can.

Chewing gum is a good item to have if you are sensitive to pressure during landing and can help quench hunger.


Is your bag organized when you travel?
so, share your organizing secrets with us.


Margalit Sturm Francus

Margalit Sturm Francus

A reformed dentist who gave up pulling teeth to show her son the world! Need tips on how to #travel with #autism? Follow me on Instagram & Facebook. Migrated all content from to

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