Taste The Rainbow: A Review of ‘Asperger’s Are Us`
I had the distinct pleasure to experience “Asperger’s Are Us” this past Sunday in Salem, MA, and to be honest, I didn’t know what to expect. Noah Britton, co-founder (and fellow ARC counselor), has a very dry but sharp sense of humor. I was very intrigued, as were my fellow audience members. Some friends from the ARC joined me in the front row as the room filled quickly with family and supportive friends.
I apologize for the muffled sound. My Canon does great spur of the moment video, but if it’s not up close, the sound gets lost in the vacuum of space. However, it is still a piece of brilliant work (minus my obvious laughing).
Now, to be fair, there were a few bits I didn’t get, which I chalk up to it being pure Aspie humor and genius that only those with the Syndrome can comprehend. They had a few awkward pauses, a few glitches. That being said, it was 45 minutes of very entertaining comedy (it was rated PG-15) that I would have paid more for than I did. You didn’t have to be neurotypical, or working in the business or be a relative to appreciate what was in front of you. Laughter is the common thread that brought us together and we all ended up speaking the same language that day.
This is exactly what i was looking for. thank you for the informative post and keep up the good work! Big thanks for the useful info i found on
It’s hilarious
and very natural. They don’t have to have our condition for them to appreciate our sense of humor.
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I’m an aspie. I have a sense of humor. Most people don’t get it but the people who do really appreciate and enjoy it.