

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, another you know you are the mom of boys post…

You know you are a mom of boys when you struggle to answer this most basic of man questions after your son has been playing with water in the backyard on a cool day:

  • “Mom, why are my privates getting smaller?”
  • “Well. Um. Well. See what had happened was…when you were outside and you got cold your privates went into heat and energy storing mode.  So they shrunk to get closer to your body to absorb the heat.”

Did I really say that?  YES!  I actually said that exact answer to my Autistic 3 year old!  Straight out of 8th grade sex ed class.

  • “So mom, what’s gonna happen when I get warm again?”
  • “Well, then they will go back to their normal size again.”

Why couldn’t I have just had girls?

0 thoughts on “Shrinkage

  • hahahaha!  On the one hand, stuff like this makes me glad I have a girl.  On the other hand, girls come with a whole Pandora’s box of issues themselves!!

  • @beautyinbeautyout@xanga – Once again, I am happy we have boys.  I don’t know how I (actually more my husband) would deal with girls!  Oh the razor thing is hysterical. The monthly thing is great, they just have no idea do they?  My husband had to most crazy notions about menstruation until I met him.  He thought it was like a faucet for a day and that was it.  Sorry to every one who reads this, too graphic!

  • ru you kidding ! ha ha.

    My daughter is in sixth grade. One of her friends told her mother before a vacation she didn’t need to pack any pads because, she alredy got her period  (Yes, she thought it only happens once).  Then there’s my daughter, whose doctor doesn’t think she’s sexually maturing because there’s no pubic hair.  Well, check out the  razor in the shower!

  • Ha ha ha ha ha… girls have a whole different set of issues to deal with… that I soon have to explain to mine… erg.


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