
Right around the corner is Halloween…

…and I knew Cuddlebug was going to want to dress up as some obscure Pokemon. I was worried he’d pick some oddly-shaped Pokemon that I wouldn’t be able to figure out how to make a costume for. Thankfully, he picked this one:

It’s a Pokemon called Salamence, and well, I’m thinking maybe that one won’t be so hard to do. I mean, basically it’s a dragon. I should be able to find some tips on making a (hopefully easy) dragon costume, and then customize it to use these colors, etc.

Yeah, I think I can do that. But I better get on it… because it’s almost October!

As for Bearhug, he just shrugged and said he doesn’t want to dress up. Halloween costumes – not his thing. Halloween *candy* on the other hand, now that he can get on board with. Or as he said in reference to birthday cupcakes not too long ago, “I want some of that action!” LOL Maybe he can just say he’s going as “Ash” the Pokemon trainer, no costume really needed for that.

And then there’s Bitty. He doesn’t really understand what Halloween is all about and probably couldn’t care less if he dresses up or not. Gee, I wonder what we should dress him up as? Well, considering that the ONLY thing he wants to wear is clothes with Thomas on them, I think it’s pretty simple, eh?

Oh yeah, he’s going as Thomas. Again. I must say, we’re getting some mileage out of these costumes – I made them back when Cuddlebug and Bearhug were Bitty’s age :).


What will you wear for halloween?



I’m a mom of three boys on the autism spectrum — 11-yr-old id twins and their 7-yr-old little brother — and wife to my dh of 19 yrs who is a SAHD. My blog is where I share our story, as well as topics relating to autism awareness & acceptance, twins, the silliness three little boys can get into, and whatever else is on my mind. Hopefully some of what we’ve learned over the years is helpful to others (or at least entertaining).

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