Picnics at the Farmers’ Market
Our local Farmers’ Market sets up twice weekly in the summer. On Sundays, I like to take the kids there, to get us out of the house and see what’s fresh. James loves the live music. He loves it so much that I have to keep a close watch on him, as he will almost get in their laps or try getting within an inch of the instruments. While they are being played.
It’s also a great excuse to pack a lunch and picnic outdoors.
James still loves his usual menu of PB&J, apple slices, and pretzels (or something crunchy). It can be a challenge to keep him seated and restrain his bite sizes. As soon as something catches his attention, he’ll leap to his feet and head toward it, regardless of what’s still on his plate or in his mouth. It this James, a 5-year-old boy, or the autism? I have no idea.
I do know that we love the welcoming atmosphere of our Farmers’ Market.
School starts next week. Yikes!