
The Travel

How do I determine what is the best option/plan of action for James? Well, it’s kind of like [the above picture]:

Moving forward in time and roadways. Looking ahead, to the side, with one eye to the past. Trying to spot and analyze all the options before taking action. Hind sight is 20/20, and objects in mirror are closer than they appear.

All the while I am trying to safely transport us all from Point A to Point B, without crashing and avoiding things that might crash us (I wonder what the erratic blue van driver represents in this story, BTW, but I digress …). The gas tank must be reasonably full, an itinerary tentatively mapped, and all seat belts must be fastened. Safety check … and check, check, check!

Can we change course? Yes there their traffic jams? Inescapably. Do we exit the freeway? From time to time yes; sometimes, we even make a U-turn. Are there surprises? Oh yeah. Do I check my mirrors before making a lane change. Yes – ALWAYS!!!

The view at times can be breathtaking. The journey whitens my hair from time to time. The responsibility is heavy. The love is what makes it worthwhile.

While sometimes the process is tentative, it sure beats using a Magic 8 Ball, or tamely following the path of least resistance.

For James


A Blog to chronicle our son's journey through developmental delays and dealing with austisic disorder.

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