
Biofilm Protocol Treatment


From: Chun Wong

In summary, Biofilm as a slime like an organism that can form almost anywhere where water is present. One of its favorite places to form is in the human gut as well as in the bloodstream and on teeth. That little fur coat that your teeth seem to be wearing after no brushing your teeth? Yes, that’s Biofilm. In most cases, Biofilm hides so well that it is often not affected by even the highest and strongest doses of Antibiotics.

The interesting thing about Biofilm is that once it is broken down during Chelation, it gave off a large discharge of toxic metals into the bowel. This was detected in stool samples. Interestingly enough, a stool sample taken from someone before Chelation may not have shown that high metal level. See how smart Biofilm is? Until its accessed and broken down, it isn’t detected. If it’s not broken down, it’s just holding onto bacteria and metals that can contaminate the body.

High levels of toxic metals have been known to be something that is often found in those with Autism. A large amount of Autism treatments include the removal of these metals and improvement of symptoms has been noted. If these toxic metals are hiding deep inside of a matrix as biofilm does, it makes the removal a bit more difficult.

Enter: Biofilm Protocol Treatment:

The Biofilm Protocol was developed by Dr. Anju Usman and her staff during the Defeat Autism Now (DAN!) Think Tank. It wasn’t discussed much as it was relatively new at the time. The idea of the protocol is to break down the Biofilm by targeting the fibrin that biofilm needs to form. Breaking down the fibrin is done with the help of enzymes such as silkworm produced serrapeptase. Once this has begun, then the body must be trained to recognize what’s about to be released. If the immune system doesn’t recognize the broken-down biofilm, then one may get sick. It’s not always about killing the bugs and sickness. The idea is rewiring the gastrointestinal system to that those bugs cannot exist.

The protocol was also developed keeping in mind that the body may have to go through a heavy metal detox since the biofilm may be holding onto toxic metals like aluminum and lead.

The Protocol itself is meant to be a 2-3 month process and comes in three steps:

ONE: Detachment of the Matrix – the Matrix is where the biofilm hides, so it’s essential that this is broken down. Chelation is often used to be able to dissolve the minerals in the matrix to initiate a breakdown. This is done on an empty stomach.

TWO: Targeting the Microorganism: Since the biofilm is now unprotected, a dose of antibiotics is given to the body to attack it.

THREE: Clean up:  The body is given anything that can bind up the matrix and potential metals in the gut.

This isn’t an overnight treatment. It took a while for the body to get to the point where the infectious biofilm forms and is hiding to the point where its affecting the body, but undetectable. So, reversing the situation also takes a bit of time.

In 2009, at the Lyme Induced Autism Conference, an interesting point was brought up concerning the outbreak of MRSA.  The most effective antibiotic to MRSA was vancomycin.  However, it wasn’t effective because there was a biofilm. When the drug was combined with EDTA (a Chelation agent), the elements of the biofilm were extracted and the film was broken down. This shows that the idea of breaking down the biofilm and then dismembering the matrix has been effective in other situations as well.


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