
Wave Pools, Water Rides and the Entire East Coast

Water Rides Well, Yesterday was the last day of our staycation. I would have to admit, that in all honesty, it was a giagntic bust. Not the staycation the choice of activities. First we went to the planetarium, and they hated it. Then only the oldest wanted to go to a movie, and only the oldest wanted to go skeet shooting so the younger one was at home with me. He may have been happy on the computer but there wasn’t much family time. Then there was the bowling, which was fairly descent except that the younger one doesn’t like instruction and the older one likes to instruct everyone. Younger got board and ended up playing his nintendo ds while the dad and older one finished the third game of bowling. (OK me, I don’t bowl I just go as the cheerleader. Probably something left over from my high school years). Then on the last and most funnest day planed we went to a water park.
We should have figured something was up when we called the park we originally planned to go to and by 10:30 in the morning they had a tape asking people to come another day. I guess when its the first sunny day in weeks everyone tends to have the same idea. Also everyone’s timing is the same. School starts in two weeks and on top of that I think we weren’t the only ones to go on a staycation. So ignoring the obvious we decided to trek on out to another waterpark also about 2 hours away. It seems we are in the crosshairs of waterparks. Everything is either 2 hours or 2 and one-half hours away. We went to a nice park. Lots of rides,pools and fun, if you had patience and loved crowds.
So we printed out a new map of the alernative park and had the boys look at the webpage to see what rides they might like to go on. We had done this for the original park the night before. You know the preplanning that goes into going away and organzing your aspie child. But this time, we had to wing it, change of plans, fly by the seat of your pants and all that rot. Needless to say, we left later than we had planned and the day just got better after that.
So by the time we actually arrived at the park, we ended up paying for better parking so we didn’t have to park in never-never land. That the rest of the lot was so full should have been another indicator. Once we got inside the regular park was fairly emply except for the brave souls who venture onto those insane roller coasters. It never dawned on us to buy those quick passes. I remember we had done that before and it did make the earlier trip so much better. Honestly we had completely forgotten about the quick passes. Well as we entered the water park half of the amusement park, we found all the people. By the time we had rented a locker, and found it, we had spent a good 45 minutes walking around. Needless to say everyone was really hot. So off we went to the wave pool.
But, noone was allowed in the wave pool. Apparently there is a rule that everyone has to clear out of the pools once an hour for 15 mintues. Guess who hit the 15 minutes. Luckily by the time we decided what to do next the wave pool had reopened. That was nice and cool and lasted 5 mintes for the boys. OK. Last time we were there, you couldn’t pry my oldest out of the wave pool with a crowbar. Not this time. Now we went somewhere else, to another pool with shooting water streams. The yougnerone liked that pool, he swam around for a few mintues, and I mean few, because we hit the tailend of that hour and had to get out. Then we decided to go on one of the rides. We got on line, and learned that there was a 2 hour wait. Yes, 2 hours. We so did not stay there. We turned around and went back to the wave pool.
Everyone decided we would then try the lazy river ride. OK. We got on line there, yes a line at the lazy river. I don’t know if you have ever been to a waterpark but there is never a line at the lazy river ride. But it went fast, just about ten mintues. We got in the inner tubes and floated down the river. It was kind of fun actually. However, I was turned around in the innertube and didn’t see the water falls coming. I got hit by the first and immediatley got swept into a second. I got upended into the lazy river, all of two feet of water and nearly drowned. I mean who drowns on the lazy river ride? Anyway I had the lifeguard coming to check on me, and of course, the boys and the hubby had one really good laugh. Actually on the ride home I would hear a chuckle or two from each of them every once in awhile. I am glad I could provide some very needed entertainment for the day.
Then after the lazy river ride we decided to go home. We got redressed and exited the park. Now, what does any of this have to do with the boys aspergers? That is the point, the crowds, the disappointment, the overwhelming sensory explosions and no meltdowns, no crying, no fits, no tantrums. They both took everything in their stride and dealt with the situation as it was presented. How cool is that? We told them that we were so proud of them, especially the older one, we kept emphasizing how terrific he did, because he is the one who can’t handle “curve balls.”  Don’t worry the younger one got his props too.
So all in all, I think, even though they don’t, that this was a truely successful day in the annals of aspergerdom. They hit a great milestone. All the therapy, all the times that we left places because of issues. All the times we wondered if they were ever going to be able to handle disappointment with proper behavior, if any of the sensory issues were ever going to get better. Now we know the answer is a resounding YES! So what’s your vote? My vote is a two thumbs up for the staycation, boring, disappointing and a huge, huge  developmental milestone.
Until next time,
Elise Ronan

Elise Ronan

The purpose of this blog is to document the practical and realistic approach taken over the decades to help our two sons grow, and develop in order become all that they are entitled to become as human beings.

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