
Fan Watching

I was watching Sam. I tend to do this quietly so that he doesn’t notice me. I like checking out the way he looks at the world. Always at the ready with a camera to find that one sweet moment.

Sometimes things are funny, sometimes sad, and sometimes just flipping weird. But no matter what it is Sammy. Sammy is unique onto himself, he sees things like no one else I know.

Sometimes if I am really lucky he lets me in. That soft sweet, sometimes crazy moments are worth every tear. Nothing is without meaning anymore, sometimes it’s just not the meaning I thought it was

Today he caught me. He was watching the fan go around and around. He has loved fans for as long as I can remember. In fact, it was his first sign. He would sit on the floor and wave his hand in the air in a circle. It took me a week of much frustration to figure out what he was doing.

Of course, this was back before we lost him. Before autism became attached to Sammy like a large birthmark. we have learned to accept Sammy in his entirety and have been able to adapt to the boy he is. We grieved the boy we thought we had and have learned to accept the one we got. every step of the way only loving him more and more each day. we are truly blessed to have him. I like him just the way he is.


Have you ever just laid down and watched a ceiling fan?

Annemarie Chagnon

Annemarie Chagnon

We are currently a family of 7 (yes 7 really) My husband and I have 5 children on earth and one precious baby in heaven. We are Catholic and we are Quiverful. We live in a small town in Southern Massachusetts. We try to live as simply as possible. We are a family of special needs people and we work every day to make this house work

0 thoughts on “Fan Watching

  • Watching ceiling fans was always fun; laying on your back, with your legs propped up on the wall, and doing a sort of mental walk across the ceiling was also fun to do with my youngest.

  • yep.

    When I was12, I stood on a chair and took pieces of duct tape and put it on each blade of the fan. When you turned the fan on, it would make an optical illusion spiral with the duct tape.hehe.

  • I’m surprised more people don’t realize the beautiful simplicity of fans. I could watch them all day… I was happy when I got an apartment with a ceiling fan. As a matter of fact, that was the first thing I told people when asked to describe my new place.

  • You have a very good-looking husband and son.

    I don’t know where you live but if you have coconut trees there, if you lie directly under the centre of one, the fan-like leaves form a perfect circle. Very beautiful.

  • Fans are great for noisemaking, too! I have spent many long hours in front of a fan changing my voice. Sometimes just joining him “in his world” and sharing it with him – even for a few minutes at a time – can help you both to connect in new ways.


  • I love patterns that move.  Don’t take me down a fan aisle in Walmart.    I wonder if Sammy would like other moving patterns that get more and more intricate.  The physicist who created chaos theory loved staring at the clouds going overhead, and water moving.


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