Personal Stories and Experiences

Six Reasons Why We Should All Celebrate Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month, as started by the Autism Society of America. Even though various minorities are celebrated throughout the year; some people don’t see the need to have an Autism Awareness Month.In fact, a few even go as far as to say unkind things about the very concept of having an Autism Awareness Month.

While we know autism exists year-round, we still think it is important to give positive attention to families possibly overlooked the rest of the year. So, this year we’ve decided to share with our readers top six reasons why we should all celebrate Autism Awareness Month.

Six Reasons Why We Should All Celebrate Autism Awareness Month greece

Public Awareness

As the title of the month says, this month brings some much-needed awareness of autism and the issues surrounding it to the general public. People might have misconceptions about autism and its effects. If these people have the chance to gain a greater awareness of this condition, it will be much easier for those with autism to get the understanding and accommodations they need. April is the perfect month for this purpose, as the event doesn’t get lost in the shuffle of the Fall and Winter holidays or summer vacation.

Six Reasons Why We Should All Celebrate Autism Awareness Month greece viewSchool Awareness

April is the last intensive month of studying in many US schools. This fact makes April a potentially good time for teachers and educators to talk about autism issues in related classes. Awareness of the invisible disability and its many challenges can provide neurotypical kids with the perfect opportunity to bond with classmates with autism over the long summer vacation.

Six Reasons Why We Should All Celebrate Autism Awareness Month brussels



The news often overrepresents sad stories. Hence, when people hear about autism in the news, it is typically in a negative context. Autism Awareness Month allows those with autism and their loved ones to share positive stories. Not only does this give the public a better picture of those who live with autism, but even serves as inspiration for others with autism. Human beings seek stories that help them find positive affirmation of who they are. Allowing those living with autism in some capacity to share their stories allows those in similar situations to see themselves in a positive light.

Six Reasons Why We Should All Celebrate Autism Awareness Month PIN

Corporate Recognition

Autism Awareness Month is a perfect time for companies and organizations to reach out to their customers with autism. We would love to see more companies acknowledge Autism Awareness Month in promotions and events. Promoting Autism Awareness Month serves a dual purpose of boosting autism awareness and helping families with autism. Helping families is important since many parents struggle financially. In fact, April may be an opportune time for businesses to think about helping families with summer discounts.

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Acknowledge the work of caregivers

Families and caregivers live with the reality of autism and its hardships 365 days a year. Many caregivers set their personal needs aside while helping those on the autism spectrum.Whether it is the sleepless nights or constant battles to get accommodations- life with autism is no picnic. So, recognizing the families throughout the month is a small yet meaningful way for society to appreciate their sacrifice.
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New Beginnings

Holding Autism Awareness Month in April works on a metaphorical level as well as any other. April is the month of new beginnings, typically associated with the start of spring. Hence, celebrating autism awareness can be an opportunity to remind those who made New Year’s resolutions to help others about this disability and ways they can help.

Throughout the month of April, AutisticGlobetrotting will highlight stories of how communities in the US and around the world celebrate. We hope this post helped illustrate the importance of raising autism awareness and will inspire families to celebrate with us.

Six Reasons Why We Should All Celebrate Autism Awareness Month room


Please share with us how Autism Awareness Month is celebrated in your community. Have you and your family developed any unique traditions over the years?


Margalit Sturm Francus

Margalit Sturm Francus

A reformed dentist who gave up pulling teeth to show her son the world! Need tips on how to #travel with #autism? Follow me on Instagram & Facebook. Migrated all content from to

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