
Essential Oil Favorites for Your Hyperactive Kiddo

If only I could bottle up all that energy that  children have, I’d be unstoppable!

I love watching the imagination of children run wild. Moms are  thrilled when they want to spend their time outdoors running around. They keep us on our toes and moving constantly.

Essential oil favorites for your hyperactive kiddo gives you ideas on what to use to help your child settle down in order to maximize therapy appointments.

However, there are times when childhood energy turns to hyper and I need to get it under control fast. This is where my essential oils come in handy. I can help ease the transition for my kids in a safe and natural way. Diffusers and roll ons are my favorite ways to use essential oils.

Essential Oil Favorites for Your Hyperactive Kiddo

  • When one of my kids is overwhelmed with emotion and is having difficulty getting it under control or unsure how to express themselves, Ylang Ylang essential oil makes a great sedative. It specifically works for those dealing with strong emotion. It’s my go-to for children who are upset.
  • Vetiver essential oil is highly recommended for hyperactive children. The properties of Vetiver oils not only calms but aids in focus and concentration; something that most children struggle with. They just can’t help it, they’ve got so a lot going on around them and their brains are absorbing so much information it’s easy to get scattered.
  • When the environment is loud or chaotic I use Mandarin essential oil to quiet the room. It gradually works to bring the noise level down and regulate the entire room.
  • A combination of Frankincense essential oil and Vetiver work miracles for peace and calm. Frankincense is often used to enhance spiritual experiences and is known for calming the mind, body and spirit.
  • Lavender essential oil is a popular choice because it’s generally safe for children, affordable and is versatile. Lavender is known for relaxation and promotes a peaceful slumber. Lavender also helps Mom’s to de-stress and relax so the whole family benefits.
  • Sometimes our kiddos are anxious and could use a tad bit of cheerfulness and joy in the moment. Both Bergamot and Orange essential oil does the trick. These two sweet smelling oils inspire feelings of joy and happiness. Orange is one of my personal favorites of all the essential oils; I just love the light citrusy sweet scent.

Essential oils are an integral part of our therapy plans here in autismland. I’m so thankful that we can get these amazing benefits direct from nature. While medications have their place as well , we always try to go the natural route first.

Treasure your time with your kids, let them enjoy their wild and free nature whenever possible and encourage and inspire them to be themselves. Step in when you need to lead your child to learn and accommodate this huge world we live in.

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Penny Rogers

Penny Rogers

Just a Florida homeschooling mom attempting to navigate autismland with my teenage son with autism and the rest of my goofy family. We love Jesus and live gluten free . One kid with celiac and one gluten free for his autism. We utilize the Charlotte Mason approach mixed with lots of field trips as well as jaunts to Walt Disney World. Just sharing my adventures to make you feel better about your family and maybe learn a thing or two that helps !

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