Sometimes I need to remind myself – The Autism Dad
This week is turning out to be chock full of life lessons for me. I’m not one to shy away from valuable life lessons and I believe that I can learn something from every experience. I’m not super thrilled that some of these lessons have to be unpleasant in nature but such is life.
I’ve been in a weird mood today and Mr. Emmett has constantly been asking me if I’m okay. Let’s be honest here, he would be doing that anyway but it’s harder to navigate this when I’m actually having a rough day.
I ended up sitting him down and explaining some of the reasons for my more challenging day. Of course I kept it age appropriate and very general. Here’s the thing. I think it’s okay for my kids to know that I’m not always okay, because it’s okay not to be okay. If I model that behavior in real life, they can hopefully learn that very important lesson.
It sorta worked but he’s very concerned about me. I just didn’t have it to put on a super convincing fake smile and sell it better. I’m not gonna lie, I totally phoned it in today. The Oscar for best faking being okay does not go to me. lol
Emmett’s been so worried about me ever since his mom left. I just can’t seem to convince him I’m doing fine. He’s so sweet and I really appreciate it but 99% of the time, I’m actually doing great. Maybe I need to be more preemptive and volunteer that I’m doing great, before he asks. I haven’t tried that yet.
As for my my current demeanor, I’m going to be just fine. Every little setback in life is a chance for personal growth and I’m all about personal growth.
Moving on….
I thought it might be a good idea to do something fun with the kids. So Emmett and I ran to the grocery store and grabbed some supplies for a cookout. We came home and did some yardwork, before setting up a bonfire.