Autisable Dads

Podcast Season 2 Episode 13: Donny Gruendler

In this episode, I chat with Donny Gruendler, who is the Vice President of Music Education at Guitar Center.  

Donny Gruendler is also the President of Musicians Institue in Hollywood California and is a member of the Modern Drummer education team and frequent columnist for Drummerworld Magazine. 

Over the years I’ve seen the importance of music as it relates to a person’s ability to socialize and communicate.  In fact, there are several non-profits whose focus on music and theater has helped countless autistic individuals find their voice.

Donny and I chat about this and more, including his own son who has his own challenges with selective mutism.

Guitar Center was recently commissioned a study that dove into music education and it’s importance… and they are doing all they can to bring this to light, and are encouraging autism and special needs families to check to see if their kids are interested in music at all, and if so – see if taking some lessons at their local Guitar Center may help them pursue this interest further.

Listen in, and I hope you enjoy this episode…

This episode was made possible due to our Patreon Supporters.

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A Special Thank you to the following top supports for this weeks episode:

  1. John A.
  2. Darryl M.
  3. Linda P.

For more information about Music Education at Guitar Center, Click Here!

Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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