
How Technology Is Enhancing Everyone’s Ability To Learn – Everyone’s!

As we’ve progressed as a species, we’ve seen an unfathomable amount of changes to the way we do things. Our behavior as a whole has changed from a few decades ago. Our fashion sense has improved. But the most significant change that the human race has slowly but surely welcomed into everyday life is the use of technology. It’s absolutely everywhere now. Whether we need something to occupy our time or whether we need something a little more serious, electronic devices are always just a few feet away. 

It’s still to be decided whether all of this tech is a good thing or a bad thing. Each side will have many people on it, arguing away at this debate for years to come, you’d imagine. One thing you cannot fault technology for, nowadays, is its ability to educate the people that come into contact with it. Gone are the days of struggling to be gripped by textbooks all day. Screens and smartphones may have a lot of flaws in terms of human interaction, but there’s no denying that they teach us new things every single day. Let’s go into a little more detail as to how they enhance our learning.  

They Make Everything So Basic

When we say that anyone can operate them, we mean ANYONE. They make it so that you cannot possibly mess things up; the instructions are there to be followed step by step. If you need to, say, figure out how to install fonts on Mac, then you’re guided through it all the way. The same thing happens with smartphones: the older generation stereotypically tend to look at these little gadgets and get confused, when really they’re made so that you cannot fail!

There’s Video Content Everywhere

With all of these computers, phones, and other gadgets come many, many videos. There are millions of videos online that have been uploaded by people that are just like you and me. The videos range from the most random stuff to content that can be used for productive reasons. Tutorials are rife on the internet, and they’re easy to access thanks to video sharing websites like YouTube. We like using video content to learn because, as lazy as it might sound, we’re gaining knowledge by doing little other than sitting still and look at something. 

There Are A Lot Of Little Games 

Video games are one of the biggest and most popular pastimes around at the moment. As much as some people don’t like them, they educate us (sometimes without even knowing). In recent years, little computer games have been used as more than just things to mindlessly get lost in. They’re now used to teach people new things. For example, there is a language teaching app called Duolingo. This game keeps people engaged and interested. It’s done by adding a scoring system and a leveling up system. This kind of thing makes people want to go back for more.   

There are also a number of apps for phones and tablets that allow you and your children to play with words. You can also use if you ever get stuck for answers; this is another bonus of technology! You can play anagram games as a family or play against the computer to really test your skills. Word games are excellent for education and it can make language fun rather than a chore for children who struggle with spelling and grammar.

Allows You To Store Progress

Obviously, with a pen and paper, we were always able to do this. But with a computer or a smartphone, we can keep lots of lots of data stored inside a small box! In years gone by, it would’ve taken sheets and sheets of paper!

*this is a collaborative post

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Joel Manzer
Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!
Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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