Autisable Team

Thank You For Your Feedback!

We LOVE it when our members provide feedback on how to improve the site.  Without you, we would not be here to learn more about Autism!

These past few weeks several of our friends and members have joined the site and shared with us some issues we seriously needed to address.  For some, it was some simple requests, while others some serious offences were made that we didn’t even think about as we dive into developing the user experience of the site.

We appreciate everyone who provides feedback and we strive to make every effort to make your user experience more enjoyable.

The following updates/adjustments have been made to make your user experience on Autisable much more enjoyable:

Update registration method coming soon!

Several people registering on the site expressed to us there was some confusion on the process of registering on the site.
One common question was, “Do I use one of these social logins AND fill out the form?”  – Suffice it to say this seemingly innocent issue has caused some folks not to become members due to the fact that it can be confusing.
This is going to take a bit more thought to address this, and we are working to fix this, but advise that you sign up using a social login such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Google+.  If you didn’t use a social media account to register, please take some time to update your account.  An email will be sent to our members when we are ready to notify them of when this change will happen.
After registering or logging into your account, you will be able to go to your account settings to connect your account with your social media profiles.  We’re making this adjustment to remove both the confusion regarding our registration process, and to help reduce/eliminate the potential for spam accounts.  It also keeps your login information more secure.

No Longer using our Puzzle Piece logo as the default profile pic upon registration!

We understand that many Autistic individuals absolutely reject the puzzle piece as a symbol of autism, and some even find the use of a puzzle piece absolutely offensive.  We respect that and apologize if this offended our autistic members.  Having this puzzle piece as an identifier of an individual immediately labelled the new member without their consent. This is not what the purpose of our icon is for. The default pic is now just a grey ‘person’ image. Updating the default profile pic coincides better with who we are as a site, a company, and as a community overall. Also, it let’s new members know that they can indeed change their profile.  The default pic is just a grey ‘person’ image. You can still change the default profile pic through the members account settings.  Our puzzle piece icon is about the ability of our community coming together, pointing to the subject of Autism.

Increase in file size uploads for Profile Pic and Cover Photos

Several members shared with us that they were unable to update their cover photo and/or profile pic.  This may have been reflective of a file size limitation error.  We’ve increased the file size to upload to 100 MB.  This is the same filesize upload allowed by Facebook and other major social media platforms. We did also discover a caching issue on chrome where if a picture was uploaded and the profile was saved, but it didn’t appear to update when going back to the profile.  We resolved this by clearing our browser history.

Changing the First Name and Last Name fields now available

We’ve adjusted the settings to allow members to change their first and last name on the account page.  Go to ‘Account Settings’ to change your first and last name.  Once the username is created, however, it cannot be changed.  The issue of requiring a real first name and last name coincides with the industry as it relates to transparency and online safety as it relates to bullying.  It’s been proven that when anonymity is present, bullying is more prevalent.

Increase in number of characters for profile Description 

We’ve increased the number of characters to 300 (from 140) in the profile description so you can play around with it more.

Ability to include HTML in the profile description

If you know some HTML, you will now be able to add an extra link in your profile description.

We’d like to again thank our members for providing feedback.

If you discover any site-related issues, please leave a comment below or fill out our contact form.

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Joel Manzer
Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!
Joel Manzer

Joel Manzer

Husband to an Amazing Wife, and Father of a Child with Autism. Founding Lead Editor of this site called Autisable. Click here to join Autisable!

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