Hope Saves the Day

Show#326 Interview with Eileen Shaklee known as Mama Fry


Please join your Host Paul Cimins talks with Eileen Shaklee

Autism is a trip I didn’t plan on, but I sure do love my tour guide. It’s better to laugh than to cry, mainly because I got distracted by the free samples at Costco and forgot to buy tissues. So, come join this one mom’s adventure with a side of sarcasm (and fries) on my blog, Autism With A Side of Fries.

Facebook page: Autism with a side of fries

Twitter: @FrenchFryInc

SnapChat: MamaFry74

Autism Radio

Autism Radio

Hope Saves The Day® is a multimedia interactive open forum dealing with Autism broadcasted internationally. We intend to provide information to the public about autism and related topics and provide an interactive network for the community. We are an unbiased weekly broadcast that is published on the internet.

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