Hope Saves the Day

Show#327 Discussing The Differences Between Encouragement and Praise


Please join Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss Social Media Question.

The goal of every autism parent is to have their child grow up and be independent and become a functioning member of society.  How do you motivate your child/adult?  Do you use “encouragement” – thanking the child for the work he/she has done or do you use “praise” – giving a child a reward or saying how proud you are of him/her.  What works best for you?  Some parenting experts say that “encouragement” fosters self-reliance and that  “praise” tends to foster dependence on others.  There is a difference.  We would like to discuss this on our next show.  Tell us what you think – call our show directly TOLL FREE at 1-877-HOPE-777 or questions@autismradio.org.  Let us know your thoughts!  We look forward to hearing from you.

Autism Radio

Autism Radio

Hope Saves The Day® is a multimedia interactive open forum dealing with Autism broadcasted internationally. We intend to provide information to the public about autism and related topics and provide an interactive network for the community. We are an unbiased weekly broadcast that is published on the internet.

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