
10 year old with Autism arrested in Florida

What can we do to teach Police, Lawyers, Judges, First Responders, and Teachers about Autism? Arresting a 10 year old with Autism without telling the Mother, without telling the officers that he is Autistic, should be against the human rights of the 10 year old since he is not capable of understanding what he did would warrant this level of punishment, and his only advocate…his mother, wasn’t informed to explain it to him. AFYI is trying to help change this.


Autism FYI

Autism FYI

501c3 nonprofit dedicated to the safety of those with Autism, Intellectual or Developmental Disorders, or Neuro/Brain Disorders.

One thought on “10 year old with Autism arrested in Florida

  • Michelle Babitz

    Please have this family reach out to the autisable website and review the LegalShield information on autisable, to get help. This is unacceptable.


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